Romans 12:3 NKJV, ‘…God has dealt to each one a measure of faith’

Every born-again person has Faith – the God-kind of Faith. God is Not a Respecter of Persons so when you accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior, God Gave you the same Measure of Faith as Jesus and God Gave you the same Measure of Faith as The Disciples (2 Pet 1; 1 – “… that have obtained like precious faith with us through the righteousness of God and our Savior Jesus Christ”). The same Faith that Jesus Used on earth is Available to you as a believer, ie: The Faith you have is The Faith Jesus Has, and The Faith Jesus Has is The Faith Father God Has.  That is the same Faith that Created this universe and everything you see. He Has Given you that kind of Faith, that’s The Faith that Can Raise the dead, Move mountains, etc.

As you unlock The Principles of Faith, it will cause you to have sustaining impact and longevity in your Christian walk and in your life. You can’t sit back and do nothing, believing that God will do everything for you. You have a part to play. Paul says God Gives each of us ‘a measure of faith’. Jude says you develop spiritually by ‘building [yourself] up on your most holy faith’ (Jude 1:20 NIV), ie Your Faith must Grow: We all start with The same Measure of Faith, but it is what you do with yours will determine whether Faith Becomes Weak, Strong etc. Faith under attack is just Faith under construction. It’s in the battles of life that you discover whether you have nurtured Faith or neglected Faith.

In Bible times, many Roman soldiers used a scutum, a shield that protected them from head to toe. It was made of wood and upholstered with thick layers of canvas and leather. Its curved shape meant the flaming arrows of the enemy would glance off and fizzle out before they could harm the soldier. Now you understand what Paul meant: ‘Take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one’ (Ephesians 6:16 NIV). Satan’s arrows can’t penetrate your heart when it’s pure, saturated in Scripture and Fortified by Faith. That’s why Jesus told Peter, ‘Satan has asked for you, that he may sift you as wheat. But I have prayed for you, that your faith should not fail’ (Luke 22:31-32 NKJV).

It’s your Faith that’s under attack! It’s your Faith that needs to be fed! It’s your Faith that sustains you in life’s battles! Jesus told us to ‘have faith in God’ (Mark 11:22 NKJV). The main reason why you are not under attack from the devil is because God, Being Good, Has Put a hedge around you – that’s why you don’t have to laugh at those under attack.  Note, Jesus didn’t tell you to have Faith in something bigger than yourself. No, He said to have faith in God. It’s the time you spend with God in prayer and the Scriptures that strengthens your faith to win life’s battles. The enemy is after your Faith. He comes in through unbelief.

The Faith we use is God’s Faith. God’s Faith was Imparted into us the moment we accepted Jesus Christ as the LORD of our lives. We are saved by Grace through Faith. It is the Gift of God. AmenWhatsApp Image 2018-11-03 at 21.06.15

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