(NKJV): Phil 4:19 = “But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.”

(CEV): Phil 4:19 = “I pray that God will take care of all your needs with the wonderful blessings that come from Christ Jesus!”

(NKJV):Rom 8:32 = “He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things?”

(CEV):Rom 8:32 = “God did not keep back his own Son, but he gave him for us. If God did this, won’t he freely give us everything else?

The Bible Says, ‘He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all – how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things’ (Romans 8:32 NIV)? God’s Provision for us is so Magnificent. We live on The Blessing Side of life; there’s Salvation, Healing, Prosperity, Provision, and there is Divine Health. Enjoy what Provision God Gives you today & don’t worry about where tomorrow’s Provision will come, when tomorrow comes God will Provide. Your present-day obedience to things determines your future provision of  things…be Faithful with stuff. When you obey God to do something, He Provides the provisions. If you have the Godly vision, God Himself will Supply you with the provision. Without The Holy Spirit we are orphans, nobody will  care for us but, with Him  we have full provision.

You don’t have to run after provisions;  prosperity, money, provision, etc will come to you, because now The  Kingdom of God is in you – “…seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you” (Matthew 6:33). There is no shortage of God’s Divine supply, but only that we need to put a  demand on God’s Supernatural Provisions. Supernatural Provision of God Does not Depend on the economic condition of the world.

The Will of God is for you to HEAR a step, then you TAKE that step, and  then He Will REVEAL  the next step to you. When you align yourself to The Will of God, The Blessings of God, Power, PROVISIONS,  Protection, etc Will Come to  you. God’s Will for mankind since the day He Created Adam and Eve is His BLESSING. He Created you for the purpose only you can fulfill, and THE BLESSING is His Provision for you to do and be all He Has Created in store for you! Prayer connects you to God and His Provisions ie Angels. Receiving what God Has for you requires the Supernatural. Learn to access God’s Supernatural provision by Faith and stir up your expectations with the many examples from both the Old and New Testaments! God has an unlimited Supply of provision for you – And He is Ready and Willing to Give it to you!

Gen 2: 17 – the day you get your knowledge  from another source other than from God, you will be separated from God & from His Provisions

Ex 3: 21-22 – Redemption is not complete without Supernatural  Provision

Prov 14; 12 – if you go down the wrong path = separation from God & also from His Provisions

Ez 18; 20  – the  soul that sinneth shall die – death = separation from God & His Provisions 

Eph 2; 10 – before you were,  born everything you will need for your Plan was Made Ready, but  if you don’t take the path He Prepared for you will miss the provision He Provided

One author gives this analogy: ‘Suppose a man comes upon a child being beaten by thugs. He dashes into the mob, rescues the boy, and carries him to a hospital. The youngster is nursed to health. The man pays for the child’s treatment. He learns that the child is an orphan and adopts him as his own and gives the boy his name. Then one night, months later, the father hears the son sobbing into his pillow. He goes to him and asks about the tears. “I’m worried, Daddy…about tomorrow. Where will I get food to eat? How am I going to buy clothes to stay warm? And where will I sleep?” The father is rightfully troubled. “Haven’t I shown you? Don’t you understand? I risked my life to save you. I gave my money to treat you. You wear my name. I’ve called you my son. Would I do all that and then not meet your needs?” Honestly, now. Did God Save you so you would fret? Would He Teach you to walk just to watch you fall? Would he be nailed to the Cross for your sins and then disregard your prayers? Come on! Is Scripture teasing us when it Says, “He has put his angels in charge of you to watch over you wherever you go” (Psalm 91:11 NCV)?’

You know better, don’t you? So, stop worrying, and stand securely on His Promise that He will ‘graciously give us all things’. God is our only Source for everything that we need, and He is just Waiting for us to stake our claim! He is Waiting on us to Speak the Word and pull down the provision stored in Heaven to meet our need! And it starts by activating our Faith!

We must believe God for our supernatural provision!

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      1. Keep up the good work! Blessings!

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