John 16:33 “These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.”
Peace is not just the absence of conflict, but the presence of inner joy, satisfaction, hope and well-being as a result the assurance of victory one has over any possible circumstance of life. That is the kind of Peace that makes Jesus sleep in a stormy boat, makes Paul sing praises and preach Jesus even in prison, and make a man excited even on a dead bed because he is about to meet his Maker.
The Blood of Jesus Makes Peace. Real Peace can only be Made by the Blood of Jesus. The Shedding of His Blood Makes Peace for those who trust God, you may go through fire for some time, but you will still go through successfully. No one can have perfect Peace without trusting in the Blood of Jesus (Col 1; 20 – And, having made peace through the blood of his cross…)
An effective & consistent prayer is the key to living in God’s Peace & Protection. Focus on the Peace of God in you because as you become conscious of His Peace in you, then you will more peaceful. When you walk in this Peace the devil doesn’t know what to do with you. It is very difficult for you to grow spiritually if you have offense in your heart, but when you walk in Love & forgiveness you will experience God’s Peace and power in your life.
The Peace of God belongs to you, but you need to take it by Faith, (Rom – 5; 1 – Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ:). Peace makers are Blessed with PERFECT PEACE. Those who sow peace, reap perfect Peace. Perfect Peace is the experience of the Peace of God always, even in the midst of troubles. Take your mind off your situation & focus on God & He will Keep you in perfect peace, Is; 26, 3
In this present world of demands and troubles, peace is a rare treasure we all desire. Every human being conscious of unconsciously desires peace as a matter of necessity. The big question is, where can we run to for inner Peace and tranquillity? In Jesus Christ, we can have such kind of Peace.
I have personally witnessed to this truth that living a life of complete trust in Jesus gives us a kind of amazing Peace, that baffles the understanding of people. God Wants us to have His Peace in our lives from today. It is the Peace that calms the storms in our businesses, homes, and all facets of life. This kind can only be found in Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace.
I know you may be wondering how you can also assess this kind of Peace. It all begins with a total surrender to Jesus, having Faith in Him and being committed to obeying His less burdensome Word. The exciting aspect is that the Holy Spirit is in us to enable us overcome all the troubles, bitterness, pain of life, and live a more refreshing life even in this present age.
Let us go ahead and access the opportunity of experiencing a life of Righteousness, Peace, and Joy in the Holy Spirit. This is the Peace that Enables us to be of good cheer, because we have overcome the world, (1 John 4: 4). As we continue steadfastly in daily Bible study, we will lay hold of this Peace.
Heavenly Father, I sincerely desire of this Peace in Christ Jesus. Please Teach me on daily basis, how to express this life of Peace. Touch my loved ones with Your Love, that they will also experience your peace,
In Jesus’ Mighty Name, Amen.