It is good for you to draw near to God:

James 4: 8 (ESV) – Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded.

The phrase, “draw near,” means, very simply, to approach or get close to a thing. To draw near to God, means then, to get close to God. If you get close to God, James is saying, God Himself Will Come to be close to you.

How To Draw Close To God.

Get To Know Jesus. If you want to draw close to God, you have to know Jesus in your heart and receive the Holy Spirit. … Get In The Water (be baptized). … Get In The Word. … Get To Praying (pray always). … Get To A Church. … Stay Hungry for The Word. … And, Stay Focused on Jesus.


Having received Forgiveness of sins through the Sufferings of Christ on The Cross, it is essential to draw near to the Savior with a genuine  and true heart empty of pretense.

We must draw near to God  being fully persuaded by The Goodness  and Faithfulness of God thereby enhancing our own Faith in God.

We must draw near to God  by allowing The Word of God to Influence our thinking leading to a renewed mind cleansed from all evil conscience.

We must draw near to God by allowing the Pure Water of Word of God be our source of Guidance in our daily living ie. be Baptized, fully immersed and living within the Confines and Dictates of The Word of God.

The  more we draw near to God the  more we feel protected: (Ps 91: 10) – no, evil, curse will come near you.

When the storms of life hit but do not settle your attention on the problems, instead keep your eyes on Jesus, draw near to Him and put your trust in and He Will Deliver you.


Our Heavenly Father, thank you for your Amazing Love for us, Choosing to Deliver us from sin. Forgive us for our failure to appreciate your Love for us by not remembering your Mighty Acts in our lives. Grant us Grace to love you and draw close to you, totally surrendering our lives to you so we can accomplish all you have planned for our lives

Stay blessed.

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