Isaiah 43:19-20 – “Look, I am about to do something new. Now it begins to happen! Do you not recognize it? Yes, I will make a road in the desert and paths in the wilderness. The wild animals of the desert honor me, the jackals and ostriches, because I put water in the desert and streams in the wilderness, to quench the thirst of my chosen people.”
Matthew 19:26 – But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, WITH MEN THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE; BUT WITH GOD ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE.
The phrase “with man impossible but with God” is a Biblical quote from Matthew 19:26. The quote means that humanly speaking, some things are impossible, but with God, all things are possible. The quote is often used to encourage people to trust in God and to believe that God can do the impossible.
Hello precious Child of God. We serve a God who is not limited by the limitations of men. That means that what we consider impossible as human beings is not impossible to God. God wants us to know that for those who will trust Him well enough, the humanly impossible things will become possible to them.
Sometimes God reminds us of what He is able to do everything so that we can conceive foreknowledge of the supernatural deeds He is about to do in our lives. To the Israelites, He assured them that He was going to make roads in the desert and put water in them. He was going to create paths in the wilderness and cause streams to flow in them.
A desert is an abandoned, deserted, uninhabited land or place. A wilderness is also an unsettled, uncultivated land left in its natural state. There is no hope of survival and access to water in the desert, yet God is able to cause not just gallons of water but a stream to flow in the wilderness.
Precious one, I don’t not know the seemingly hopeless situation you may find yourself in. However, God can cause Miracles to happen in the midst of the challenges. Streams are about to flow in your ‘desert’. That child, admission, marriage, job, promotion, capital, and breakthrough is coming. They will not be like a one-time ‘pot’ of Divine supply, but the beginning of a stream of blessing.
WITH GOD NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE – you possess the ability to overcome impossibilities because The Holy Spirit is in you. Don’t limit God, because nothing is impossible with Him – it grieves God when we limit Him – when we look at the circumstances & we put limits on God – when we have forgotten who & whose we are.
‘NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE WITH GOD’ is a spiritual transaction – But you have to get with God: To get with God, you have to walk inside out. When everything looks impossible just believe & speak it (just as Jesus Spoke to the wind, & to Lazarus).
Precious one, do you really believe? Are you ready to hold on to God in Faith and obedience, until you see Divine manifestations? I am seriously believing in God for some great things this year. Beloved, believe God for the impossible. God bless you.
Heavenly Father, I declare that my Faith is activated, as I believe You for the impossible to be made manifest in my life. I am convicted that my eyes shall surely behold Your promises for my life this year, in Jesus’ name, amen.
What am I really believing God for in this year?