(NKJV) Isaiah 8:10: “Take counsel together, and it shall come to nought; speak the word, and it shall not stand: for God is with us.”
(NIV) Isaiah 8:10: “Devise your strategy, but it will be thwarted! Issue your orders, but they will not be executed! For God is with us!”
Hello Precious Child of God: Even though we find ourselves in a relatively undesirable atmosphere across the nations of the world, we must not cease to acknowledge that God Continues to Rule and Reign Supreme Over all the nations of the Earth.
Prophet Isaiah prophesied about nations rising against nations. He prophesied about how nations would seek to destroy Judah and indicated that the Presence of The LORD Was Judah’s Greatest Security and Safety. So, they could boldly say to wicked nations: “You can plot against us and seek to implement your strategies but none of them will stand because God is with us”.
Anytime wicked people in places of authority, influence and affluence seek to destroy a relatively vulnerable people, they first and foremost take time to devise and strategize. Thereafter, they give orders for the execution of their wicked strategies.
However, when such wicked men try their devises against God’s chosen People, their strategies are Thwarted (ie. hindered and frustrated). When they give the command for wicked strategies to be implemented, The Terror of God Falls on the implementers, Causing them to flee for their lives without executing their wicked strategies.
Beloved, if we continue to trust in The Name of The LORD as individuals and as nations, every strategy of wicked men and of spiritual wickedness will be Thwarted. They will do their best in their power to execute their evil intentions, but they will not stand. The reason is simple: God is with us.
Precious one, do not panic or be intimidated. Continue in prayer to God and The God we serve Will Destroy the agenda of the wicked, Amen.
Heavenly Father,
Please Thwart every evil, demonic strategy and conspiracy against my life and nation. Please frustrate the course of the wicked and cause their wicked plans to be their portion. We know we are secured in You,
in Jesus’ Name, Amen