Ezekiel 36: 26 A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you: and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you an heart of flesh. NKJV

When someone needs a physical heart transplant, it’s desperately serious. Their heart is failing and, left on their own, that person will physically die.

But there is hope—the possibility of a new heart. But, in order to get a new heart, a good and capable surgeon is essential. More importantly, in order for that person to live, somebody else must die. The failing heart is then replaced with a thriving heart, and abundant life is once again possible.

In the same way, when someone needs a spiritual heart transplant, it’s desperately serious. The heart is failing and, left on their own, that person will spiritually die.

But there is hope—the possibility of a new heart. In order to get a new heart though, a good and capable surgeon is essential. However, in order for that person to live, somebody else must die. Only then can the failing heart be replaced with a thriving heart, and eternal life is possible.

“And I will give you a new heart, and I will put a new spirit in you. I will take out your stony, stubborn heart and give you a tender, responsive heart. Ezekiel 36:26 NLT

God is our good surgeon, and Jesus gave His life for yours. He takes your insufficient efforts and replaces them with something better. But to receive His abundant life, you must humbly ask for His help. You must allow Him to do surgery on your heart. You must surrender what is dying and trust Him with your life. 

Maybe the thing that needs to die is a habit that’s impacting your life.

Maybe it’s an unhealthy relationship, or guilt and regret over your past.

Maybe it’s an attitude of pride or insecurity.

Whatever it is—Jesus wants to take the broken and failing parts of your heart and replace them with something completely new and life-giving. 

As you process today’s verse and what God is capable of doing, ask yourself:

Do I trust Him—really trust Him—with the details of my life? Am I willing to let Him do “surgery” on my heart and show me a better way to live?

A new heart and spirit are given by God alone through regeneration and the new birth. This is a miracle of Grace. A “heart of flesh” means a new ability to see and understand truth, a new delight in God, and desire for Him, and a new spirit that loves Him. The Gospel offers hope for the hardest of hearts. Amen.

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