Nahum 1: 7 – “The LORD is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble; and he knoweth them that trust in him”. (NKJV)

Nahum’s letter to the people of Judah, in the southern part of Israel, is both a call for repentance and a letter of judgment. The northern tribes had already been exiled to Assyria, and the unfaithfulness of Judah was also leading them into exile.

There’s a lot happening in Judah at that time. It was an era of national turmoil. The people have been unfaithful. But rather than focusing on the surrounding dangers or the cultural pressures, Nahum points the people back to the character of God, which never changes.

Nahum reminds us that God is Good. Even though the world around Israel was changing rapidly, their God remained the same. He is always Good. In the midst of every circumstance, we can trust God will never change but will always desire what is good for us.

Nahum continues to remind us that God is a Refuge in the midst of difficult times. Because God is all-powerful, He will protect you from the dangers of this world.

Lastly, Nahum tells us that God cares for those who trust in Him. As you put your trust in God, He cares for and watches over your soul. While it can be difficult to trust God in uncertain times, Scripture tells us that it is the only way to true security.

We have heard God is Good. But few of us have any idea just how Great His Goodness is, or how Strongly He Desires to Demonstrate His Love. Believe in the Goodness of God. Learn how to expect and receive His Goodness in every area of your life, because God Desires only goodness for you!

We are not collecting stations for stuff, rather BE A CHANNEL OR A VESSEL FOR GOD’S GOODNESS TO PASS THROUGH UNTO SOMEBODY ELSE – do good, give, put a smile on somebody’s face.

Take some time today to consider your own life and the circumstances you’re in. Whether your situation is a good one or a bad one, remember these three truths:

– God is good.

– God is your refuge.

– God cares for you.

Be in Faith & let The Love of God Transform the way you think; stay focused & never give up and see The Goodness of God. Above all, have and use Patience with your Faith so that you do not quit until you receive your breakthrough. Amen.

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