Genesis 2:2-3 – v2 “And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made v3 And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made”.

Where did the idea of a seven-day week come from? Throughout history, cultures have experimented with varying the number of days in a week, but the most enduring pattern for human work and rest is woven into how the Creator made us.

When God first created the world, He finished all He wanted to do in six days. He could have moved on to the next project on His to-do list, but instead, God intentionally rests and enjoys His creation. This is the standard pattern of work and rest created for us from the beginning.

How we create and produce reflects how we are created in His image. Just like God, we make things and name them. We work and then rest. When we intentionally stop working to enjoy the blessing of just being in a relationship with God, one another, and His world, we reflect His Image, too.

When God Rests, that does not indicate laziness or exhaustion from work. From the beginning, God models a rhythm of work followed by rest and reflection. Rather than pausing out of tiredness or when we finally finish our long list of projects, God Asks us to plan a time to rest every week.

Christ – after He did what God sent Him to, entered into the  Rest of God & waiting for God to defeat  the  last enemy. The guy who trusts God will move into the Rest of God (The Peace That Passes all understanding), & eventually there’s  manifestation (be fruitful)

We do have choices: to obey the Word of God by Faith, or disobey it through unbelief! Obedience to God’s Word can bring us into God’s rest, disobedience will leave us outside without rest!

There’s  no better place  to be than in The Rest of God –  don’t get into doubt & unbelief, but only believe what God says. When you are The Rest of God everything will work perfectly for you. You can’t have The  Rest of God through Worry, anxiety, fear,  etc

Let’s have Faith in the Rest of God – The Christian life is about learning how to enter into the Finished Works of God. When it comes to knowing when it’s time to take a break, choose the rhythms of our Maker over our exhaustion-driven routines. He intends to bless you. Amen.


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