(NKJV) Matthew 28: 18 “And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.”
(CEV) Matthew 28: 18 “Jesus came to them and said: I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth!”
When you get to know that a witch or a demonic spirit is against your life, how do you react? They may have some power but thank God that all Power Belongs to Jesus. One of the things Jesus Did after His Resurrection was to Assure His Disciples of peace and power.
Most often when people engage in conflicts, various threats are made. A common threat used is “I will show you where power lies”. Some people use witchcraft and occultism to fight others. Today, God Wants us to be confident in Him because the highest Power lies in the Hands of Jesus Christ.
That explains why as Christians, we should not be afraid of witches. We must not be moved by the threats of occults because we have been endowed with power from on-high. God Expects us to have Faith when confronted with challenges or threats. Once you are planted in the hands of God, no one can plug you out of life. If Christ be for us, who can be against us?
The Word of God Gives us the firm Assurance that ‘neither angels nor principalities, nor sickness etc can separate us from the love of God’.(Romans 8:38-39). In other words, nothing can stop us from being what God has Destined us to be. I have had several dreams with warnings of death but here I am enjoying the full blessings of life. We have the power to refute and nullify every attack from the evil one. With Christ in our lifeboat, we shall certainly smile at the storm.
I want to encourage you today; Christ is risen with all power in His hands. This is not the time to cry over the works of the evil one. This is the time to arise with Faith and begin to offer fervent prayers against the evil one. Christ is risen with Power, and He is Commanding us to walk in that power and do exploits. We know who we are in Christ.
Heavenly Father, thank You for granting me access to the highest level of power in Christ Jesus. I decree that every agenda, plot, or scheme of the evil one against my nation, family and I be nullified.
In Jesus’ Name, Amen.