3 Ways to Speak the Language of Health
“When we speak out loud the Truth we’ve learned, then we capture it in a greater way. We release our Faith when we declare it…Our words arrive at our future before we do. They prepare the way and pave the road to victory before you arrive.”
Think about it. When you are part of a culture, it is critical that you learn the language. It’s how you function and operate successfully in that culture. Well, we are part of the Kingdom culture, and to operate victoriously, we must learn to speak the language of Faith—especially where health and healing are concerned.
Are you talking to your body? Are you telling your body how to be, or are you letting your body tell you how it’s going to be? We don’t have a choice about whether or not we live by words, but we do have a choice about which words we live by. It’s time to take authority over our bodies as Christ Intended. It’s time to consider these 3 Ways to Speak the Language of Health and transform your future!
“[Call] those things which be not as though they were.” –Romans 4:17 (KJV)
Did you know you can talk to your body? You can. And you should.
Even secular medical science has discovered that the part of the brain that controls human speech is connected to every nerve of the body. There was a newspaper article by a neurosurgeon entitled, “Talk to Your Body To Rid Ills.” In it, the doctor suggested that patients talk to their bodies and tell them what to do.
He suggested a diabetic should instruct his pancreas to secrete insulin and a person with hypertension should say several times a day, “My blood pressure is 120 over 80.”
The doctor continued, “It makes no difference whether the patient even knows where his pancreas is or what 120 over 80 means. The body knows!”
It can also work in reverse:
There was a woman who experienced a continual fever over a period of months, but after running multiple tests, the doctors couldn’t find anything wrong with her. While questioning the woman, they discovered that whenever she was upset, she would say, “That just burns me up.” In fact, she would say it several times a day. Though they were uncertain if it was connected, they asked her to stop using that phrase, and sure enough, her temperature returned to normal.
Words were Designed by God to release power. The language of health is the language of Faith. By your words you are made sick and by your words you are made whole.
So, what are you saying to your body?
Are you saying, “Well, I am getting older. I just can’t hear, see, or remember like I used to”?
Or what about things like, “I am a diabetic. I have high blood pressure, and I’m just not able to lose weight”?
When you do this, you are talking to your body and telling it how to be whether you realize it or not. Those words are dangerous! That’s why Proverbs 13:3 says, “He who guards his lips guards his life, but he who speaks rashly will come to ruin” (NIV-84).
Instead, be intentional about talking to your body. Say things like:
“My youth is Renewed like the eagle’s.”
“My cholesterol is low.”
“My bones and muscles are Healed and strong.”
“My heart is Restored!”
“I have no trouble losing weight.”
“I have the Mind of Christ. My mind is sharp, my memory is perfect, my eyesight and hearing are perfect, and my back is pain free!”
When you speak the language of health, your words steer the body on course to stay in step with the Word of God. If you aren’t already, get in the habit of talking to your body!
“Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life.” –Proverbs 4:23
Your words steer the course of your life, but your heart is the captain of your mouth. So, if you want to speak right words and not slip up, you need to guard your heart. That’s because, as Gloria Copeland says, “From the abundance of the heart, the mouth leaks.” We’ve got to watch what’s going into our hearts!
That can be tough in today’s world because, let’s face it, you can’t turn on the television without endless commercials for pharmaceuticals for every sickness and disease imaginable. Even friends and family can focus conversation on new ailments and medications.
Many Christians believe they are immune and can handle secular influences without any negative impact on their hearts or spiritual condition, but the Bible tells us differently. In Psalm 101:3, David said, “I will refuse to look at anything vile and vulgar. I hate all who deal crookedly; I will have nothing to do with them.” David knew the importance of watching what went into his eyes and who he associated with. He took it very seriously!
We, too, must understand the power of words going into our eyes and into our ears—especially in the area of health and healing. The more we read and hear the Word of God, the more it gets down in our spirit and then comes out our mouth. The same is true of negative, secular media or bad company.
It is possible to live in this world but guard our hearts from being influenced. Though we are surrounded by so many things that are contrary to the Word of God, we can stand strong for truth and righteousness.
How can you guard your heart and keep your language of health safe?
Mute or turn off all pharmaceutical commercials.
Refuse to watch or read news stories that promote fear of illnesses or diseases.
Spend time with Faith-Filled believers who prioritize words of Faith—people who know the language of health.
Limit time with people who speak sickness, disease and death.
And if you really want to bring out the big guns then….
“Be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” –Romans 12:2 (NIV)
In World War II, the United States had a shortage of translators. We were in desperate need of people who were fluent in German and Japanese—and we needed them fast!
So, the War Department created a six-week-long total immersion program. During those six weeks, participants were not permitted to speak English at all. They spoke and listened to only the language they were learning to speak. By the end of the program, they were fluent!
See the connection? If you want to be fluent in the language of health, you’ve got to do the same thing. Keep everything that isn’t Faith out and immerse yourself in a Faith-Filled atmosphere until it changes the way you think and speak about your health. As Pastor George Pearsons says, “There’s a difference between being around the Word of Faith and it being in you.”
Here are just a few of the differences you’ll see in your life:
You’ll find that you won’t speak doubt as often (if at all!).
You’ll start believing for bigger and better in every area of your life, including your longevity, overall health and healing.
You won’t tolerate sickness or pain like you used to—not even a little!
set aside 30 days.
Read the Word in the morning (we suggest the four Gospels and the book of Acts three times in 30 days).
Listen to teachings while you get ready and whenever you’re driving.
Turn on VICTORY Channel® when you’re working around the house.
Read your Bible again before you go to bed.
In other words, spend as many hours as possibly in total immersion. And remember, in a total immersion language school, you would not be allowed to speak English. Zero. All day long. You would only speak the language you were learning. So, as you are in total immersion for learning the language of Faith, you will only speak Faith—no negativity, doubt, fear, or anything else outside of the confines of Faith is allowed. Ever.
Within four to six weeks, people find themselves fluent in the language they’re learning. If you can do it with a foreign language, you can do it with the language of health—the language of Faith. If you don’t know what to speak—say nothing until you can get to the Word of God and find out what you should be saying.
When you talk Faith and health all week long, all 30 days long., you’ll find that total immersion will draw you very quickly out of your intellect and over into your spirit. When the 30 days are over, you’ll respond quickly and more powerfully than you ever have to any and every situation—no matter how severe—because you will be fluent in the language of health!
The best part? You’ll start to rub off on those around you, and they’ll start speaking the language of health, too!
These 3 Ways to Speak the Language of Health will transform your life! Your words program your spirit and body for success or failure. Great results come from declaring who we are in Christ, what we can do in Christ, and what we have in Christ. Speak the language of health and start seeing the results!