Genesis 18:17-19 = “Then the LORD said, “Should I hide from Abraham what I am about to do? After all, Abraham will surely become a great and powerful nation, and all the nations on the earth will pronounce blessings on one another using his name. I have chosen him so that he may command his children and his household after him to keep the way of the LORD by doing what is right and just. Then the LORD will give to Abraham what he promised him.”
God can only be trusted to Fulfil is Promises, but can He Trust you to fulfil our own agendas. That is why it is important to have a relationship with God (to get Help to fulfil our agendas). That way, we can hold God to the Promises he Makes to us, and not assume the promises He Made to will automatically apply to us.
One fundamental necessity of every healthy relationship is trust. Trust is extremely important in our day to day interactions with one another. In the same vein, our personal relationship with God is founded on trust. Not only is it important for us to fully trust God, but also, we need to get to the point where God can trust us.
From our reference Scripture, God decided not to hide from Abraham, what He Was about Doing to the people of Sodom. That implies that God Could Have on the other hand hidden His Agenda from Abraham. However, God Was so assured that His Covenant with Abraham Would be Fruitful and that Abraham would not fail to train his household in the Fear of the LORD.
Abraham had become so trustworthy to the extent that God Freely Shared His Intents with him. Beloved, for some of us, it will be best for God to Keep certain things Secret from us. This is because for some of us, we would broadcast everything that comes to our mind even if it is meant to be confidential. For some also, the moment God Reveals the way to them, they would forget about Him and go on to do their own thing.
Could it be that the reason you are not getting responses from God is because you are not matured and trustworthy enough to handle certain truths? There are some church leaders who God will never take the risk of giving themselves female souls for them to disciple; they would ‘slaughter’ all those young ladies instead of training them in the LORD.
Let us be people God can trust with information, with money, the opposite sex, etc. May God not hide from you any important detail about your life. Above all, may God Find you trustworthy.
Dear Father, please Help me to become one of those people whom You can trust, so You can use me in Your Vineyard as You so Desire.
In Jesus’ Name I pray, Amen!