Romans 8: 29 “For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.”

OUR DESTINY IS TO BE MOULDED INTO THE IMAGE OF Christ: Rom; 8, 29 – should be your goal ‘…be conformed to the image of his Son…’ God wants every Christian to be like Jesus – take off your old mindset and put on a new mindset

Jesus is The  Master Copy of God, but God  wants million  & millions of duplicates– that should  be our goal, ie to represent God  on earth and act like Him so that people who need God   can see Him through  you – allow yourself  to be moulded into the Image of Christ

Part-taking of Christ gives  us the Image of the Trinity  – God Divinely designed us for success – because you are a Christian you have the Character of  God in you – The more time we spend  with  Him, the more  we become like Him.

The key strategy to being imitators of God is to conform to the image of His Son Jesus Christ. We have been predestined and pre-programmed to conform to Jesus Christ. He is the physical expression of God’s very essence. Our Heavenly Father chose to reveal Himself and His ways through Jesus Christ.

Just as Jesus Christ kept His Self-Identity, His daily relationship with our Father and a life of power and love, we also must do same. We are brothers and sisters of Jesus Christ.

If Jesus could not be threatened by sickness, death, poverty or opposition from authorities, then we must not be shaken with fear either. Because He had command over the devil and over nature, we also have been empowered to walk in Christ’s Victory.

If Jesus would go all out to sacrifice Himself for the sake of our salvation, we must we also show love to the unsaved without any partiality. We must not make enemies just because of material and perishable gains.

Today, God is encouraging us to live up to this higher life. It is an unimaginable error for God’s imitators to be subject to bondage. It is time to cast out the fears and activate faith to express the Divine life.

Satan tries to pollute our mind (corrupt our mind with evil thoughts) & hinders us from transforming into the Image of Jesus


Heavenly Father, thank You for saving and empowering me to conform to the Image of Christ. Stir up my Faith to walk in the dominion power, love and sound mind. Teach me to be more like You, in Jesus’ Name. Amen


Am I really a true reflection of Jesus Christ to my generation?


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