Isaiah 45:11-12 – “This is what the LORD says, the Holy One of Israel, the one who formed him, concerning things to come: “How dare you question me about my children! How dare you tell me what to do with the work of my own hands! I made the earth, I created the people who live on it. It was me – my hands stretched out the sky, I give orders to all the heavenly lights”
Precious one, in life there are times that in our state of despair, we tend to think we have the right, power and audacity to summon God for interrogation. We tend to question what God has done out of His Sovereignty. God’s sovereignty is one of the most important principles in Christian theology.
The Bible teaches that God’s sovereignty is absolute and covers everything. All mainstream Christian groups agree that God is preeminent in power and authority. God’s sovereignty is a natural consequence of His omniscience, omnipotence, and omnipresence.
God’s Sovereignty is the fact that God has the right to Rule over his Creation, and how He exercises His Power. The Bible describes God as sovereign, the Source of power and authority, and the Ruler of everything. God’s Sovereignty extends to all things, including creation, providence, and the laws of nature.
It also means that nothing can happens in someone’s life that God doesn’t either allow or decree. For example, Proverbs 16:33 says that “the lot is cast into the lap, but its every decision is from the Lord,” so even something as random as rolling dice is in God’s control.
Part of His Sovereignty is that God is Good & He does only good things, so if something that is bad happens then it is not God – killings, accidents, barrenness, miscarriages, earthquakes, wars etc all these bad, bad things in the world are all by satan. God’s Sovereignty is the only hope for Salvation and Righteousness in the world, and that His People shouldn’t be discouraged if history seems to contradict His Promises.
However, there are also differences of opinion on how God Exercises His Sovereignty, particularly in relation to the idea of God’s self-imposed limitations. For example, Isaiah warns against questioning God’s right to do as He wishes, and says that created beings shouldn’t demand explanations from Him.
God Made the entire Heavens and the Earth. He is the LORD of Lords and the King of all kings. His hands stretched out the skies and formed humanity. If we cannot enter the palaces of even kings of deprived areas to talk anyhow to them, how much more the King of kings. He is Patient and Loving, but not to be disrespected or taken for granted.
Those who Love the Lord will give Him great reverence & respect; in so doing He will give them victory upon victory. Lack of respect for the Lord’s Sovereignty leads to brutality & destruction, which is why we have organized crimes etc in our cities.
Sometime ago, I felt angry at God because I lost a very committed Christian friend at a tender age. I had the audacity to go and question God, not genuinely for answers, but to actually blame Him for allowing that to happen. The LORD told me plainly that my ‘questions’ were actually not questions with a genuine intent to have answers but were accusations against Him. In other words, I was criticizing Him. How dare me?
As we begin this season, we need to acknowledge that our victories and breakthroughs are going to come from God. However, He is going to do it His way and as He pleases, and we will have to respect His sovereignty. That is not to say that God does not Delight in us coming to Him to ask questions. He really does (Isaiah 1:18). However, it must be done with humility.
The Bible doesn’t Say; ‘nothing is impossible to God’, but Iit Says ‘For WITH GOD nothing shall be impossible’ (Lk 1; 37) – we are partners & You can’t do it on your own, & God will not Do it without you (even though He is Sovereign & He Can Do what He Wants, but He Looks for people who will agree with Hims) – (Amos 3; 3 – How can 2 work together, until they are in agreement?) Let us approach God with all reverence this year. Be careful how you handle issues in His sight because He is Sovereign. Let us give God the due respect.
God is Sovereign so He’s able to Put our feet where He wants them to be, that’s why The Bible Says; in (Ps 37; 23) that – “The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: and he delighteth in his way). We cannot overrule the Sovereign decisions of God with our freedom, because God’s freedom is greater than ours. Amen.
Heavenly Father, please Forgive me for the times my speech and conduct before you disrespected Your Sovereignty. Please Grant me Grace to honour you at all times, in Jesus’ Name, Amen.
In what ways do I disrespect God and how can I correct them?