Psalms 16:11 – “You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.”

Hello, precious one. Walking in God’s path to life is key to success in life. The challenge, however, involves discovering God’s path for one’s life and, after that, walking in it.

From our Scripture reference, David explains how He received constant knowledge from God. His secret was simply: dwelling in The Presence of God. How can you receive knowledge from a person you are not communicating with? The more you dwell in The Presence of God, the more guided your life path and the more you walk in the fullness of joy.

To Dwell = to abide, reside. Fixed, stable (not IN today and OUT tomorrow)  – the upright dwells in The Presence of God  & so no good things will be withheld from the upright: It’s not for everybody, but for only who will decide where to dwell in His Presence. You decide where you dwell, your pastor can not do that for you. Nothing can harm you decide to dwell in His Presence. God Wants us to abide/dwell in Him all the time, not only on Sundays. It isn’t the Will of The Father for us to dwell in a place of not enough, to dwell in His Presence.

The upright dwell in The Presence of God – always confess that: “Thank God for The Blood of Jesus and no good thing will be withheld from me because I am the upright”, ie the upright dwell in The Presence of God – and so no good things Will be Withheld from the upright. Empowered to have success are people who dwell in The Presence of God. An Anointing comes when we dwell in His Presence

If you develop your love walk to one another, you get deeply rooted & grounded in The Love of God, & you dwell in The Presence of God you will  be surprised what God Will  Do for you When you dwell in The Love of God you will be full, & then the Love overflows from you so that God  Can Love people through you with His Agape 

Dwelling in the presence of God is a metaphor that refers to both God’s Expression of His Presence and our experience of it. Some say that God’s dwelling place is always filled with His Presence, and He wants to share it with His people. According to Psalm 91, there are many benefits to dwelling in God’s Presence, including: Peace, Guidance, Protection, etc

When we dwell with God, we are conscious of His Presence in our lives. This consciousness can be a feeling of closeness or contentment with God, but it can also be an awareness of God’s Greatness, Power, Wisdom, or Love. We feel most at home in God’s Presence, but we don’t always dwell there.

The devil will try to all sorts of distractions to you when you are spending time with God –you will itch, be agitated, go to the bathroom, remember so many things to do, the phone will ring, etc.  We need to learn how to do life with God; we should live, dwell, and remain in God and His Word, Jn 15: 4 – you cannot bear good fruits without Abiding in the vine, Jesus – no way.  

How do we dwell in the presence of God?
Dwelling in God’s Light

1.Pray Daily: Make prayer a part of your daily routine.

2.Study Scripture: Spend time reading and meditating on God’s Word.

3.Practice Kindness: Show love and kindness to those around you.

4.Foster Fellowship: Regularly connect with other believers.

LIVING BY THE SPIRIT: THAT IS THE KEY! Galatians 5:16-18 “But I say, live by the Spirit and you will not carry out the desires of the flesh.  For the flesh has desires that are opposed to the Spirit, and the Spirit has desires that are opposed to the flesh, for these are in opposition to each other, so that you cannot do what you want.  But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law.”

For success in every endeavor of life, one has to live by the guidelines of that endeavor. A student will only be successful if he pays due diligence to what the teacher teaches. A police officer has to necessarily live by the Constitution of the country and the code of ethics of police.

When we come to living the Christian life as children of God, the secret is living by the Holy Spirit. To successfully overcome the desires of the flesh: impurity, sexual immorality, fits of rage, and the likes, one has to necessarily learn to live by the Spirit.

Living by the Holy Spirit simply means carefully following the leadership of the Holy Spirit as He guides and empowers you. Yes, the Holy Spirit who dwells in the Child of God guides him or her. He is our ever-present help at all times.

First and foremost, one needs to receive Jesus Christ into his heart, be born again, and be a child of God before having the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. Secondly, the child of God needs to always pay attention to the inner promptings that come from the Holy Spirit. An effective prayer and Bible study life sharpens one’s level of reception to the things of the Spirit.

I want to inspire you today; the Holy Spirit is your greatest companion in this life. He will guide you into all Truth and prosper you on all sides, if only you will learn how to live by the Spirit and that is a big secret. Live by the Holy Spirit.


Heavenly Father, thank You so much for the gift of Your Spirit. Please help me to always follow the leadership of Your Spirit, that I will live by Him all the days of my life; in Jesus’ Name, Amen.


What must I do to practically live by the Holy Spirit?

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