(NKJV) Genesis 17: 7 = “And the Lord declared to him, ‘I will establish My covenant between Me and thee and thy seed after thee in their generations, for an everlasting covenant, to be a God unto thee and to thy seed after thee.”
(CEV) Genesis 17: 7 = “I will always keep the promise I have made to you and your descendants, because I am your God and their God.”
Christians need to be aware of all the benefits of being in Covenant with God, we should be COVENANT-MINDED ALL THE TIME – The Covenant is your legal right to receive all that Jesus Died and Rose again to Give you. God Made provision for us to succeed spiritually, mentally, physically and in all areas of life. The moment we accepted Jesus and entered into this Blood agreement, we were re-Created by The Almighty God – our old sin nature is dead and gone, ‘With long life you will be satisfied’ (Ps 91:16). We have a Covenant with the Most High God and His Son, Jesus, in the ministry to which He Has Called us.
Read the covenant corrections (James 4:1-8) – Get rid of all this sin in your life; do whatever it takes. Confess this thing and deal with it (1 John 1:9 – If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.). Don’t call it “your problem;” call it by its nasty name: It’s sin, so repent. Receive your Forgiveness and Cleansing. Clean up and get right with God. In the Name of Jesus, stand on your covenant rights. There is a Friend (Covenant Friend) who Sticks closer than a brother (Proverbs 18:24 – A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother).
God Made a Covenant with Abram that set up all blood Covenants for all times. A covenant practice is a name change—when two become one. God changed Abram’s name to Abraham. The “H” in the middle is Hashem. God put His Name right in the middle of Abram’s. When God Entered into Covenant with this man, they became one. God Appeared to Abram (99 years old) and Said unto him, “I am El Shaddai,” the God Who’s more than enough (see Genesis 17:1). (The Name El Shaddai refers to God as a nursing mother who is everything to her baby). – God is Saying to Abram, “I am everything you are ever going to need. Walk before me and be sincerely blameless.”
The word Covenant was translated “testament.” A testimony or testament is a witness. The Covenant is the Will and Testament of The LORD Jesus Christ. Christ is the only Man Who Left a Will, Was Raised from the Dead and Caused His Own Will to Come to Pass. We get the inheritance when we say what He Says about what He Did.
Every Word of the Bible doesn’t contain Truth; it is Truth—Covenant Truth – Every Promise in the Bible is blood-backed: first by animal sacrifices, second through the blood of a man by circumcision, and third through the Blood of Jesus. Faith Speaks based on Covenant. Faith is Precious; It Comes from God: “The righteousness of faith speaks” (Romans 10:6, New King James Version) – Faith Says, “The Word is nigh thee, even in thy mouth, and in thy heart: that is, the Word of faith, which we preach” (Romans 10:8).
Covenant is what the greater is doing for the lesser, bringing the lesser on an equal plane as the greater. We have been put into a Covenant relationship with God and Jesus. Jesus Died for all and Rose again. He’s Alive, so we’re alive! In the blood Covenant between God and Jesus, Jesus Died and Spilled His Blood. He is no longer the only Begotten Son of God. He is now the Firstborn of many. In the first Covenant, the firstborn got everything; and we have firstborn status in the Covenant of Almighty God! Jesus Took a bunch of nobodies, and we became somebodies—because we came to Him. Jesus said, “There is a Covenant between My Father and Me.” There is a Man in the Godhead—a God-human Being, and He’s Saying, “If you want this Covenant, let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus, who thought it not robbery to be equal to God” (see Philippians 2:5-6). Because when you were born again through Him and by Him and by His blood in that covenant, you became equal to God with Him. We became a joint heir. When you know you are a Covenant man or woman, you stand on high ground. We’ve been seated in Heavenly places, and there is no higher ground than that! Don’t ever give up the high ground. You received godly, Heavenly privileges Bought and Paid for by Jesus. When you plead the Blood of Jesus, you are calling on the Covenant status that belongs to you.
Fear should not be a part of your life as a Covenant man or woman. The book of Revelation says, “But the fearful… shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: (Revelation 21:8). In your heart, get the revelation that Jesus defeated the devil in his own territory, and came out victorious with the keys in His hands. Jesus handed you the keys the moment you entered into this blood covenant. You have them! The high ground is a place of safety and a place where you have a good vantage point to see things from a better perspective. We are seated with Jesus in heavenly places. That is really high ground! Refuse to allow any temptation or distress to pull you down to a place of fear—fear that you don’t know what to do or fear that God will abandon you.
Every morning, stand up and declare your rights and privileges in Christ:
“I am a child of the living God. I have the right to live in love, peace, prosperity, and safety, because I am in Christ and the Holy Spirit is in me. Whatever comes today, I know to depend on my God as my Source, my Wisdom and my Comforter. Today is a good day! I declare this in Jesus’ Mighty Name. Amen.”