NKJV, James 2: 26 “For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also”.
CEV, James 2: 26 “Anyone who doesn’t breathe is dead, and faith that doesn’t do anything is just as dead!
Faith Takes actions before the Answer Comes. Faith must Take corresponding action. Most of the time, the action comes after you have exercised your Faith and believed, and you are now standing on the Word of God. Your Faith Moves towards the Promise of God when you fully trust & believe that God’s Word is the Truth. Faith Goes to Work Preparing ahead if time for what It Expects to Receive
EXAMPLE 1 – A lady whose son was in prison was praying and believing that he would get Saved and get out. So, she set his place at the table every time she served a meal. All during each meal, she would talk to him as if he were there? It wasn’t long until he was out of prison, a born-again, Spirit-filled believer.
She exercised corresponding action before he ever got out.
EXAMPLE 2 – Another couple was told they could not have children. They prayed, believed, then set up a nursery in preparation of the miracle baby.
That was corresponding action ahead of time. Yes, God Gave them a baby!
EXAMPLE 3 – Paul and Silas used the big gun for deliverance—praise: Even in the horrible dungeon conditions, they praised God so loud the other prisoners heard them (Acts 16:22-26). An earthquake shook the prison, broke the shackles, and opened the doors.
That was corresponding action ahead of their deliverance – PRAISE.
EXAMPLE 4 – Jesus prepared for what was going to happen on the other side of the Sea of Galilee. Jesus and His team went across the sea, where there was a man who was possessed with an (ONE) unclean spirit (Mark 5: 1-19). That one ruling devil had authority over 3,000 to 6,000 lower-ranking demons who were tormenting this man day and night. The LORD, who is Love, had Compassion on him and cast out the devil. The unclean spirit begged to be sent into the swine. The people around there were afraid. The screams of the hogs were frightening. The people saw the man clothed and in his right mind. They insisted that Jesus leave. The man who had been delivered wanted to go with Jesus. Jesus said, “Go home to your friends and tell them what great things God has done for you and had compassion on you.”
The clothes for the man who used to be insane came from Jesus. He Brought clothes with Him when He got into the ship. Jesus called this man to preach. Where did the man get clothes he wore? The clothes for the man who used to be insane came from Jesus. He brought clothes with Him when He got into the ship.
Jesus Took the clothes with Him, because He Prepared for What He Was Expecting His Faith to Do – That was His corresponding Action
Jesus said, “I only say what I hear My Father say, and I only do what My Father does.”
Heavenly Father, we ask that You Help us as we stand in Faith to prepare for what’s ahead. We depend on You, Father, and thank You for Your Power and Love. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.