Proverbs 3:3-4 – “3. Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablets of your heart, 4. then you will find Favour  and a good name in the sight of God and man.” (NIV)

Hello, precious one. Favour is extremely important for one’s success on earth. The greatest of all Favour is the one we receive from God Most High. If God truly Favours you in life, men will in turn Favour you. However, Favour doesn’t just come by wishing for it.

Finding Favor means – gaining approval – acceptance – or special benefits – or blessings! There is also a close association among Favor – Grace, and Mercy! Psalm 84:11 – NIV says – For the Lord God is a sun and shield – the Lord bestows favor and honor – no good thing does he withhold from those whose walk is blameless!

Favor is the Grace of God in our lives. The Old Testament often uses Favor and Grace interchangeably. The definition of Grace is the unmerited Favor of God, and Favor means acceptance, goodwill, and preferential treatment. So, we can’t earn Favor, and we are never entitled to it.

Everything God has given you is by  Grace; it is a gift, you don’t deserve them, & you didn’t earn them. However, you cannot enjoy them until you receive them first. Jesus Has done everything except ‘receive’ it for you. You have to do the receiving by yourself.

We need to ask God for Favour  instead of struggling our self to make things happen – because what is impossible with man is possible with God; IF GOD CAN DO SOMETHING FOR SOMEBODY HE CAN DO SOMETHING FOR YOU

When you give to those in need, your reward will be Isaiah 58:14 (God will lift you up & promote you, Give you favour & Bless you.) God is a God of Favour, Psalms 5: 12 – For thou, LORD, wilt bless the righteous; with favour wilt thou compass him as with a shield.  

Life is not by Grade but by Grace. Not by Labour but by Favour. Not by Merit but by Mercy. The same Grace that saved you is the same Grace that will see you through the day & is the same Grace that will change you, will help you to a new level of holiness, give you Favour, will Cause people to like you, and open doors for you. One touch of God’s Favour, and you will go from barely getting by to having more than enough!

The Lord is Good …Ps 145; 8-9 – (The LORD is gracious, and full of compassion; slow to anger, and of great mercy. v9 The LORD is good to all: and his tender mercies are over all his works) – God’s Disposed of showing Favours. Nobody can touch you when the Favour  of God is upon you.

Love and faithfulness are the two secret important keys to finding Favour before God, and man.

In Proverbs 3, we read the account of a successful father giving wise counsel to his son. He tells his son that, to have a good name in life and walk in Divine Favour, he needs to love people and also show faithfulness in all that he does. Some of the common prayer topics likely to be heard in almost all church prayer meetings include prayer for promotion and Favour at the workplace.

Some even ‘decree’ that any ‘witch’ sitting on their promotion ‘be killed’. Inasmuch as demonic influence could account for the lack of progress in some parts of our lives. Most often, retrogression recorded in our lives comes as a result of our bad character. God wants us to know that even if He blesses us with the highest level of Favour , it will still take our attitude of love and faithfulness to walk and be sustained in that Favour .

Saints, some of us passionately hoping to receive help and Favour from God and man, are actually lazy and unfaithful in all that we do. If we are not diligent and faithful in handling the small things we have now, there is no way God will commit great things to our care.

When God’s Will covers you, you get Favour things will become easy, and the devil can’t touch you, ie The Favour of God was on Joseph. The Favour of God will let the light shine in darkness. Joseph’s life was full of challenges, but all the challenges bowed down to The Favour of God. Supernatural Favour is awesome because God Can let people love you even if they don’t want to.

What Has been Given by Grace must be believed & received by Faith. Faith is the hand that takes it. Even though Grace is unmerited, it’s not an excuse for us to sin, It’s an empowerment to say ‘NO’ to sin (Grace did not only save you, but it also empowered you)

Always believe & keep your eyes on Him. Believe that you have The Creator of the universe Fighting your battles for you, arranging things in your favour, Moving the wrong people out of the way, etc – DO NOT LET CIRCUMSTANCES CONVINCE YOU TO STOP BELIEVING

You do not even have to say Psalms 107: 2 to anyone else. You can just say it to yourself—driving to work, or in the shower— say, “I have no money, but I am blessed. I am prosperous. I will lend and not borrow…this is still going to be my best year so far. The Favour of God is turning things around.”

When you wake up in the morning, do you expect the goodness of God in your life? Every morning set up your day for success, and speak Favour and God’s Blessing with your words. When you worship God, He Comes into your situation & turns things around in your favour. As you worship God in spirit & in Truth, you will experience Him in a Brand-New Way.

I want to inspire us all; God is ever willing to empower us with Favour and a good name, but we have a part to play in the process. Learn to declare The Favour of God onto all your negative issues, because all it requires is just ‘A Touch’ of God’s Favour to turn things around.  Let us love our neighbours, and also be faithful in all that we do. Love and faithfulness are the two important keys to finding Favour before God and men. God bless you.


Heavenly Father, thank You for revealing this wisdom key into my life. I’ve come to understand that to grow in Favour , I must first grow in love and faithfulness. Please bless me and endow me with wisdom always. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


How do love and faithfulness attract Favour in my life?

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