(NKJV) Proverbs 3:5-8 = “Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding…In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths… Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the LORD, and depart from evil…It shall be health to thy navel, and marrow to thy bones.
(CEV) Proverbs 3:5-8 = “With all your heart you must trust the Lord and not your own judgment. Always let him lead you, and he will clear the road for you to follow. Don’t ever think that you are wise enough, but respect the Lord and stay away from evil. This will make you healthy, and you will feel strong.
Trust God to Guide & Lead you in everything you do: do not rely on natural understanding in everything you do. You have to know the God you are serving, you can trust Him: and He is not Going Let you Down. If you choose wrong things, & you go in the wrong direction, that will put a distance between you and people who are willing to do right things & go in the right direction.
Learn how to listen for Instruction, Directions, inward Conviction, and fresh Ideas; That’s the Holy Spirit speaking to you! He’s trying to Lead you in the RIGHT DIRECTION Praying in the spirit prepares you for your future – ie: GO IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION.
Sometimes, we get so motivated and energized to make a move in life, only for that passion to dwindle. Most often that happens because we lack the conviction and right sense of direction in life. God Wants us to go forward in life, but most importantly, He Wants us to move in the right direction.
Prov 30; 32 – satan comes to put bad thought in your head hoping that you will say it & stop God’s Good Plan for you, so The Bible Kindly Reminds you that: ‘… if you have thought evil, lay your hand upon your mouth, Prov 30: 32) – thud#s, you do not have to say anything that comes into your head, learn to keep your lips
Trust The Lord so that you GO IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION – in order to do that you have be rooted & grounded in The Love of God – when that happens, something Devine Happens – the world will say that you are wasting your time but trust Him because God is The Only Way to GO IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION
Zeal and passion must not be substitutes for knowledge and wisdom. There are many busy people today who when asked of their aspirations for the next five years will have nothing reasonable to say. Being busy without a sense of purpose will end in frustration. Unfortunately, challenges of today have forced many youth into jobs and relationships they are not supposed to be in.
In our quest to quickly rise and make a move towards successfully, we miss the right direction. We most often trust in our ‘crippled’ wisdom and end in worse states. That is why the counsel in Proverbs 3 is critical to us all. If only we will trust in the LORD and lean not on our own understanding, the LORD will direct our paths to success.
Trust, lean, on and acknowledge the LORD your God in all your ways: In other words, no matter how zealous you are to go forward, access God’s written and spoken word or at least a Godly counsel before taking that step forward. I have had to say “No” to several seemingly lucrative opportunities in life, only for me to discover later that they were either traps for me or God had better Plan for me.
Some of us Christians take decisions as if we’ve never read God’s word in the Bible before. Many of us have suffered deep wounds and have fallen prey to deceitful men, simply because we did not take time to confirm God’s Will before making major life decisions. In as much as you are being challenged to go forward, it is important that you allow God to Direct your path.
Heavenly Father, please forgive me for making hasty decisions without seeking Your counsel. Direct the path on which my feet should tread, that I will obtain the ultimate blessings You have destined for my life.
In Jesus’ Name, Amen.