Scripture Reading: 1 John 2
1 Jn 2:1 – “My little children, these things I write to you, so that you may not sin. And if anyone sins, we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous.”
It’s not The Will of God for a Born-Again believer to fall into sin – a believer falling into sin is a possibility, but it is not a norm – so if we sin we should go to God for Forgiveness, and we repent. The whole goal is not to sin -ie; to be Christ-like, but if you do sin go to God & do 1 Jn 1; 9, because Jesus has already paid the price. You don’t have to suffer all your life. Jesus has already taken care of sin, but even if do sin…
And if anyone sins, we have an Advocate [who will intercede for us] with the Father: Jesus Christ the Righteous [the upright, the just One, who conforms to the Father’s Will in every way—purpose, thought, and action]. In The Court of Heaven God Is The Big Judge and Jesus is our Advocate, so if you present your case based on God’s Word you will win because God is Faithful to His Word.
God is a Judge, but Jesus is our advocate (Jesus has never lost a case), & the Blood of Jesus is a witness. You are in Christ and you kept all The Commandments of God, so if you sin you have an Advocate in Christ – if you are a genuine Born-Again believer you have an Advocate with God – When you sin Jesus Goes before The Father for you
Basically, Jesus is our advocate. He is literally our Lawyer. When you mess up, He does the legwork, He makes appeals, He files motions, and He defends us. When John calls Jesus “our Advocate,” he means that our Savior stands before the Father to plead our case. Yet Jesus’ work as our Advocate goes far above and beyond the work of an earthly defence attorney, for His case for us is grounded in the work He has done to secure God’s favorable verdict
Jesus acts as our lawyer, pleading our case before the Father. When we are tempted, if we sin, we can claim the promise of First John 1:9, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”
The Apostle John exhorts us not to be in the habit of committing sin after we give our lives to the Lord Jesus. He presents two situations for the believer – living without sin and what to do when we sin. God’s ideal condition is that we live our lives without sin. However, the Lord does not abandon us when we sin. Jesus Christ, the righteous One, is our Advocate with the Father.
The context that the text envisions is similar to a courtroom – God’s courtroom. In that courtroom, God sits as judge. When we sin, the accuser of the brethren, who is also known as satan makes a case against us. That is similar to the way a prosecutor makes a case against an accused person. An accused person who is prosecuted in An earthly court needs to have a defense lawyer – an advocate.
Jesus, our Advocate. An advocate is a defender who stands with the accused. He defends the accused person against the charges brought against him. Jesus Christ is such an Advocate for us before God. He stands with us before the Father and not against us.
His righteousness speaks for us. In the passage, Jesus is also called the Righteous. He is a righteous Advocate who can stand before God on the basis of His own righteousness to speak for those who have sinned against God.
When the Lord Jesus stands before the Father on our behalf, He does not present our sins to the Father. He presents His Righteousness to the Father. He tells the Father not to judge us because of our sin but to see us through His righteousness.
Our Heavenly Father, desires that we live for Him without sin. He does not want us to form sinful habits. However, when we sin, instead of us running away from God’s Presence, Christ our Saviour is our Advocate before the Father, and He wants us to reconnect with God. Amen.
Heavenly Father, I desire to live righteously before you. Thank you for providing a way out of sin. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.