Do you remember the story of Naaman, the Commander of the Syrian Army? He had leprosy and thought he was going to die, but God Had other plans.
Let’s read from 2 Kings 5 in the New Living Translation and refresh our minds about that story.
How does one interpret the 7 dips into River Jordan and juxtapose that with the Vaccine? Remember the 10 lepers Jesus Healed by a different Method. Dipping in the Jordan itself was by Faith likewise taking a Jab (Vaccine) also an act of Faith.
Unless you think that it is only a Prophet that has powers to heal then you shouldn’t doubt this. The servant who directed Naaman was not a prophet but it was her direction that Healed him eventually.
Am not a Pastor or Student of the Bible, but I read, research, and try to have my own understanding of issues, and I don’t see the difference between the 7 Dips into the Jordan River and the 2 jabs if the Covid Vaccine.

I like your way of interpretation but about vaccine its just that there are conspiracy theories and propaganda so there is need for clarity first.Proper information to citizens is important and when people ask questions let the be answered remember it should be a personal decision because its a healthy issue.So when people have their questions answered they will cooperate that’s my take.
But you know it’s all propaganda n lies.
The vaccine is genuine
Hahaha yes i know ,personally i understand but the problem with lies and propaganda, it incites the masses not people like me .I think some authorities are not doing enough to shed light thats my point .Instead of bulldozing ideas lets educate first.We have to accept whats on the ground otherwise this will split churches and races and the devil will celebrate.
And get me right i love to engage thats what i love about blogging im not a critic😂😂
If is your life that matters to you
So whether the authorities shed light on the vaccine or not it’s your own life.
Any possible side effects of the vaccine will occur in over 100 years
Where will you be in 100 years