I tell you, although he will not get up and supply him anything because he is his friend, yet because of his shameless persistence and insistence he will get up and give him as much as he needs.
Luke 11: 8, The Amplified Bible
If, as God Tells us in 1 Timothy 2: 4, it’s His will for all men to be saved, why aren’t we seeing more of the masses of lost people born again every day? Have you ever wondered that?
I have…and as I’ve sought the Lord about it, I’ve come to realize that, for the most part, it’s because those of us who are already saved don’t pray persistently for those who aren’t. Instead of persevering – staying before the Father, praying for them to receive the bread of salvation – like the man in Luke 11:8 did for his friend, when we don’t see immediate results, we simply give up and go home.
What we don’t realize is this: Perseverance is the key to success in intercession! See how you are doing when it comes to being diligent. Diligence is another one of God’s foundational laws of abundance – Diligence is perseverance.
Why? The persistent intercessory prayers are certainly not because you have to change God’s Mind. He never changes. His Mind is made up. He wants all men saved. The reason you have to persevere in intercession is to put pressure on the demonic forces that are trying to keep God’s Will from being accomplished. Those forces must be broken down through prayer so that strongholds are destroyed, and spiritual blinders are removed from the spiritual eyes of the people you’re praying for.
You see, God will not go against the will of any person. But He will move through your intercession to reveal Himself to them. Through your persistent prayers, He will bring them to the knowledge of their need for Him. Then they’ll reach out for Him, and spiritual rebirth can take place!
If you’re sitting around waiting on God to save Aunt Mary or Uncle Jim or your best friend…stop sitting around! Get busy interceding for them. Persevere in prayer. Pray the prayer in Ephesians 1:16-23 for them, refusing to give up until they’re safely inside God’s kingdom.
Jesus has already laid down His life so that they can be saved. The question is, will you intercede for them?
Be determined in your spirit (that you are not going to waste your time & do nothing). If you got enough determination, it doesn’t matter who or what comes against you, you can do something with your life. Refuse to give up – If you do what you can do God Will Always Do what you cannot do, & He will do what you cannot do.
God Loves a persevering, steadfast spirit – somebody who says I will not give up ie; the Lepers (2 Kings 7; 3-8) – God Was waiting for them to have enough courage & take the first step of Faith, because as long as they sat there complaining God did nothing. They ate & became full, and went to others to come & enjoy – don’t just take care of yourself, ie be selfish.
What is the full meaning of perseverance? Perseverance is not giving up. It is persistence and tenacity, the effort required to do something and keep doing it till the end, even if it’s hard. Perseverance originally comes from a Latin word and means TO ABIDE BY SOMETHING STRICTLY.
Many scholars regard the genitive case here as subjective, denoting Christ as the model of Perseverance for believers. Such understanding accords well with the frequent New Testament references to Christ as the example for His followers ( 1 Peter 2:21 ; 1 John 2:6 ).
Perseverance Will Help You Stay Motivated and Keep Working Hard. Perseverance Helps You Make Progress Even When Things Get Tough, Which Is Important for Future Success.
Persevere in Faith to see God’s Will Come to Pass in your life, keep on talking right (hold on fast to your profession of Faith). Never ever give up –God did not Anoint us to give up, but He Anointed up to persevere & become what He wants us to be.
Scripture Reading:
Luke 11:1-10