Power is the Principal Requirement to get things done. When you get born-again, the new birth connects you to The Original Source of Power. The Power that Raised Jesus from the Dead is Inside us. Above all God Equipped us with The Very Power of God Himself.
God made us in His image so we are reflection of His Power, His Love, but we cannot get any power until we discipline our thought life. Always we should have a positive mind. What makes a man great…money, education, power, etc? None of these. You are not going to defeat the devil with will power, you need the power of God.
The first and most important rule for you to follow, in operating in The Power of God is to be born-again & living in Faith (1 Jn 1; 12 – 12 But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name) God is Passing onto you Power (Acts 1: 8 – But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you…). The enemy fears that Power: the enemy will harass you as long as you want to operate in that Power, but with that Power he has to shut up & stop bothering you.
This Power is what is needed for you to dominate on this earth. The Bible Tells us in Col 1: 27 (…Christ in you, the hope of glory) that means The Anointed one & His Anointing is in you, ie: The Powerful Force in the universe is in you. In these last days God is Calling us to walk in Power. He Wants a powerful Church. God Does Not Give the money, but He Gives us Power (ability to get results) to get the money- Deut; 8, 18
The Word of God is Amazing. God Wants us to influence & impact other people’s life, using His Word. The Word Has enough Power in It for us to speak It to Repair whatever is lacking in their life. The Book of James Tells us that; The Word of God contains The Power to Save your Soul. You got to have THE WORD in you because we are Changed by The Power of God’s Word. THE WORD Contains The Power to Help you stop whatever bad habit you have. The Word of God challenges & changes us when mixed with Faith. The Word of God is so Powerful, & the more we learn The Word the more we get God’s influence in our life.
There’s Power in The Name of Jesus & as Christians we should feel free to use The Name of Jesus, but The Name of Jesus should never be used in vain. When the enemy is attacking you and you recognize it, it is enough to say JESUS because there is Power in The NAME. We cannot be people who give up easily – we have to stay strong in The Power of God & that is why we always have to get THE WORD into us. The more of The Power of The Holy Spirit that we walk in, the less we are going to be concerned about our circumstances. It is very, very important for you to know Him & The Power of His Resurrection.
Love must be The Centre of your thinking, because when you walk in Love then you are releasing God’s Power into whatever situation you are the middle of. Get your attitude Saved especially your mouth because words are containers for Power – words can have destructive power or creative Power. Discipline yourself; think carefully about what you are to say before you speak it? The devil does not submit to anything but Biblical Power, and God Has Already Given us This Biblical Power (Lk 10: 19). When you have Biblical Power, then satan will be under your feet no matter wherever you go. He cannot rule over you if you do not let him. Your believing is the key to you getting The Power of God.
POWER is ability to get the job done, & ‘love’ is that power – if the devil can get out of The Love of God he will short-circuit your power. Anyway, Prayer is the gateway to Power. A prayer-less Christian is a powerless Christian.