Psalms 73:26 – “My flesh and my heart may fail, But God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.” (NASB)
Anytime a man is described as being very strong, it is most often with respect to muscular strength or the courage of his heart. Naturally, the strength of a man is expressed in either his flesh or his heart. However, there comes a time when the strength of both the flesh and the heart fails. Where can we draw strength from when this so happens?
The flesh is not bad behaviour, but bad thinking. The bad behaviour is just the physical manifestation of the bad thinking. Anytime you are thinking of anything that is against or does not agree with what The Word of God Says, then you are in the flesh, (ie; a way of thinking that opposes The Word of God). The person who is fleshy in the mind-set is against God
As in Romans, the phrase sinful nature is the word flesh in this verse. The flesh is the nature and will of the body. It is contrary to everything God wants for you. That’s our greatest weakness. So, in the pages of Scripture, the term, ‘flesh’ refers to the wants and desires of the body (that happens only when your thinking is not in line with the WORD.)
You have a generous spirit but a selfish flesh, so; ‘.We should walk in the spirit…’ Gal; 5, 16). We should habitually say NO to the flesh & say YES to the spirit…You don’t have to think about it before you do it. If do it over & over, it just it becomes one of your routines (saying NO to the flesh & say YES to the spirit). A Christian that lives by thee flesh, lives by his/her feelings. Stop living by the flesh, but liv according to Gal; 5, 16
Reasoning & questions are works of the flesh, and they lead to unbelief. The flesh seeks recognition; self-efforts, and self-works. The fruit of the flesh is selfishness. The flesh likes boasting. The flesh wants to give you an identity out of your intellect, family lineage, education, etc. When you got born-again your spiritman got Saved, but the flesh is still there, & it wants you to get your identity from your education, looks, work, position, etc.
You will be tempted to do the wrong thing and your flesh too will not let you do the right things, but don’t give up doing right. The flesh is fighting the spirit to be lord over your life, through self-efforts – there’s so much arrogance coming from the flesh. The flesh is never going to be satisfied until it ceases to breathe.
The fact is that everything changes when we commit our lives to Christ. But, we are not limited to our flesh with its imperfections. We can draw on God’s Strength and Experience the flow of His Spirit. Be Faithful at little things & do not give in to those fleshy desires – YOU ARE A VICTOR NOT A VICTIM. When you put The Word of God First in your life, THE WORD Will Wipe out everything fleshy thing in your life and also wipe out all your worries.
Asaph the Psalmist unfortunately found himself in a situation where both his flesh and heart failed. In that state of despair, he came to a better discovery that there was a kind of strength that was much more powerful than what his muscles could carry, nor his soul could self-generate. This strength was not just some kind of moving energy; this strength was a person, the all-powerful God Himself.
The more you think about yourself & about your fleshly desires, and the more you think about what somebody has and you don’t have and how they don’t deserve it, the more unhappy/miserable you become. ‘The more of your flesh that get in way, the less of The Promises of God you will get’ – BW
We are always in a constant battle with d flesh, so we need The Holy Spirit Who has Power over the flesh. It’s not possible to overcome the flesh by your self-efforts, except by The Holy Spirit. This is because The Holy Spirit is stronger than the flesh, & the devil. If you don’t drag your flesh to Jesus, it will drag you to hell – don’t put any confidence in your flesh. We as Christians, God Has Called us to live The Zoë life (“but…the flesh profiteth nothing”) in this world. God Wants you to be happy
Asaph’s confidence in the LORD, his God changed his tone from that of despair to that of hope. Beloved, our greatest strength is not our personal physique or our determined courage of heart, but the backing of the Most High. Our greatest strength is the Presence of God in our lives. When God fights for a man, he will surely win even if all the forces of the world come together against him.
Precious one, may I humbly inquire, is your hope based on your physical or emotional strength? What if your flesh and heart fail? What if the promises of friends and loved ones fail? What if your material possessions; house, cars, businesses, etc all fail you? Will you be able to stand if these realities of life happen to you?
Suppress the flesh: You start by ‘killing’ your flesh or your carnality, ie. Rom 8: 13. To live a Holy Life as God Requires, we need a constant flow of His Words into our life. There is no good thing in the flesh but there is a lot of good things in the spirit; when we became ‘believers’ the Holy Spirit came to deposit a lot of good stuff in us (in our spirit being). Keep a clear conscience and don’t compromise. Be Faithful at little things. Kill the flesh, by not feeding it ie not giving in to those fleshy desires.
Even if our flesh, our heart or our spirit may grow weak or fail, God is still forever our strength. This means that even if our body will be struck with the worst diseases, or if our heart gets broken over and over again, or of we are crushed in spirit and see no hope, God will forever be our strength, our comfort.
I want to inspire you today my dearly beloved. Realise that Jesus never condemns you; John; 3, 17: Walk in the spirit because condemnation is of the flesh. (Rom 8: 1).There is one source of strength that cannot fail. As Asaph concluded, so must we also; that God is the strength of our hearts and our portion forever. May God be our pillar and strength, all the days of our lives, Amen.
Heavenly Father, I openly confess that You are my strength and my portion forever. Please strengthen me LORD, in all facets of my life, in Jesus’ Name, Amen.