2 Peter 2:17-18, NET – “17 These men are waterless springs and mists driven by a storm, for whom the utter depths of darkness have been reserved. 18 For by speaking high-sounding but empty words they are able to entice, with fleshly desires and with debauchery, people who have just escaped from those who reside in error”.
Our Heavenly Father keeps cautioning us against false teachers, and prophets, and compromising to live in ungodliness. He wants to caution us against friends and peer influences that can destroy our lives. Be careful of whom you choose to believe.
Put your believe in God, & nothing else. BELIEVE GOD IN EVERYTHING – whatever it is get on your Faith & believe God. Whatever bad thing that is going on in your life right now, believe God that He will turn it around – BELIEVE, BELIEVE, & BELIEVE. Believe God for the impossible; with your natural mind, you will say that it is impossible based on some human data.
Our beliefs dictate our living; when you believe right, you will live right. Right believing = right living, – if you believe right, you will live right & you will not sin. It is important to think right and believe right.
Believing is wonderful, believing makes you happy. It is Amazing how happy you will get when you begin to believe right, (Rom 15; 13 – Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost.)
I have come to realize that most of the problems Christians face are a result of basic mistakes we make; mistakes the Bible has highlighted clearly as our way of escape. Many Christian sisters have been deceived and broken-hearted because they believed the flatteries of ungodly men. Many Christian businessmen have suffered betrayal because of dangerous partners.
Apostle Peter described another dangerous breed of people we need to watch out for. He described them as water-less springs. How can a spring be without water? These are hypocrites who appear to be sources of hope yet bring pain and despair into the hearts of people. These are people who are loud in speech but do not value their words nor keep their promises.
Unfortunately for us, there are people who join churches with evil intentions to deceive, entice, and destroy the lives of those who are not deeply rooted in the Word, and in prayer. There are people in the church who are into debauchery, that is lovers of sensual pleasures, sex, alcohol food, and drugs. Yet, they wear the most attractive clothes and expensive perfumes.
Beloved, precaution is far better than deliverance. If you are one of these people, feel ashamed, repent, and change your ways before God’s wrath visits you in church one of these days. We must all be careful of those we choose as friends and life partners. Be sure you are following a church leader who loves God and cares for your soul. This is God’s Word of deliverance to you; be careful of who you believe.
Heavenly Father, please grant me the discernment and inner strength to discover and close doors to bad influences in my life. Please preserve me, LORD, for I do not want to lose my providential way. Deliver this generation from false prophets, greedy pastors, and hypocrites tainting the image of the Body of Christ. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Question for Meditation
Once again, who have you believed?