John 14:26-27, NKJV “26) But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you. 27) Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.”
John 14:26-27, CEV “26) But the Holy Spirit will come and help you, because the Father will send the Spirit to take my place. The Spirit will teach you everything and will remind you of what I said while I was with you. 27) I give you peace, the kind of peace only I can give. It isn’t like the peace this world can
Jesus Was God’s Gift to the world, but The Holy Spirit is God’s Gift of Power to the Church, so you can live Supernaturally and go beyond your natural understanding and ability. The Supernatural becomes natural. The Holy Spirit is The One Who Reveals to us what God Has Already Prepared for us
The Holy Spirit is the third Person of the Trinity. The Holy Spirit is the Active and Effective Agent of the God Head on this planet. The Holy Spirit is Alive on inside of us. The Holy Spirit is not an ‘IT’. The Holy Spirit is a person. The Holy Spirit is as Real as the person (sitting) next to you. He’s a ‘HE’, an important HE. Spend time developing your Faith that The Holy Spirit Lives in you. Everything that happens on earth is by The Holy Spirit. He’s God in Action on earth. The Holy Spirit is our ‘Strengthener’, so there is nothing you can’t do through Christ. No human being can ever make it in life without the help of others. Everybody needs helpers to succeed in this world, but Christians have an additional Helper, the Holy Spirit.
Its not possible to overcome the flesh except by The Holy Spirit, because The Holy Spirit is stronger than the flesh & the devil. The Holy Spirit is to help you to be rooted & grounded in Love. Is it possible to control your thoughts? Yes, it is your job (with the Help of The Holy Spirit) to discipline your thoughts; Take those thoughts captive, & refuse to think thoughts that are not from God. Even refuse to say them out loud. Pray in Faith, intercede (Ez 22; 30) for others through The Help of The Holy Spirit, because THERE IS VICTORY IN CHRIST JESUS. When The Holy Spirit is you, you will fear nothing
The Holy Spirit is the very Spirit of God. He is in the Triune Nature of God, and so God Lives in us by His Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the Agent through Whom God The Father is everywhere. When Jesus Christ, the Son of God Completed His Divine Assignment and was about to Depart from the Earth, He Promised His Disciples the release of the Holy Spirit. We are privileged to be part of the dispensation of the Holy Spirit. A Christian full of the Holy Spirit is not helpless. The Fruit of The Holy Spirit is LOVE & The Love Manifests itself through joy, peace, kindness, etc but they are all held together by Self-Control
God knows that you cannot achieve the greatness He has Planted within you using your own strength and wisdom. That is why He has Blessed us with the Supernatural Helper: The Holy Spirit. In fact it is the person of the Holy Spirit Who officially Teaches and Guides us to fulfill our life purpose, and also Fill our lives with peace. The most important helper you will ever need in your life is the Holy Spirit. If you do what’s right & you do what God Says (with the Help of the Holy Spirit, no matter how we feel or we think), then He is going Bless us to the full that we will have excess to help other people. The Presence of God is by the Person of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is dark to the unbelievers as He is Light to the believers.
The Holy Spirit is our Tutor – He Tells you who you are ie you are not a chicken but an eagle, He Will Teach you how to speak, walk, think, etc God Wants His children to behave differently, ie there are certain things God Wants His royal family to do. Sometime ago, I went to preach in a school and when I was done, some people approached me saying that the Promised Helper was not the Holy Spirit. They asked me, “How do you know the Holy Spirit exists?” My answer was simple: ” The Holy Spirit lives inside me. How could I have testified about Jesus with all boldness and prayed for the healing of people, if not for the Help of the Holy Spirit?”. With God nothing is impossible – you have the ability to overcome impossibilities because The Holy Spirit is in you.
I want you to know that you are never alone – you are not an orphan. You have the Holy with you. You need to go a step further to be in tune with Him and heed to His promptings. May the Lord lead us by His Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is Waiting to Give us what Jesus died for you to have, but you need to get your mouth saved first. We need to know the Holy Spirit. When you have the Holy Spirit Filling your life you have to expect to have a greater level of communication with God than what you would have without Him.
There are so many things in our life that God Wants to Take Care of, but He Won’t if we do not let go of them our-self (The Holy Spirit Is A Gentleman so He Won’t Snatch cares from you by Force) – The Bible Says; ‘Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you’, 1 Pet 5; 7. Anger does so much damage to the body – when you feel angry the best thing that you can do is to go to God, the Holy Spirit is the Greatest anger management Counselor Who Exists. LET GOD HELP TO DEAL WITH ANY ANGER IN YOU – know that we live in a society that is violent & angry & we are in the world but not of it, so need to be an example to them & not act as act as they are acting.
Sometimes even you are doing The Will of God there may be problems in the way, but The Holy Spirit is so Faithful and so Good that if we will listen to Him then He Will Redirect us onto a better path to enable us do the Will of God. The Holy Spirit Is Holy, so if He Is Living in you then your words (& actions) must all be Holy. We need to be very obedient to what the Holy Spirit is Telling us. When you get in The Bible, He Gives you understanding & Reveal the path of your life to you
The baptism in the Holy Spirit is for every believer. Receive the Holy Spirit! Don’t miss out on this Supernatural way to interact with God, and minister to other people.Being filled with the Holy Spirit and speaking in an unknown language is a supernatural way to communicate with God and a way to use His power to minister to other people. Learn to spend time listening to the Greater One in you. He is leading and guiding you into all truth! Pray in the Holy Spirit to build yourself up and be ready (1 Corinthians 14:4). You have access to God, your Father, and Jesus by listening to the Holy Spirit. Learn how to listen for instruction, inward Conviction and fresh ideas. That’s the Holy Spirit speaking to you! As you pray in an unknown language, the Holy Spirit is praying through you. Ask Him to give you an understanding of what you are saying. The Holy Spirit will inform and instruct you concerning things to come (John 16:13).
Dear Lord, as Your Word rightly Says; apart from You, I can do nothing. May I be filled with Your Spirit and May I be led by the Holy Spirit daily,
In Jesus’ Mighty Name, Amen!