(NKJV) Genesis 13:14-16 “And the LORD said unto Abram, after that Lot was separated from him, Lift up now thine eyes, and look from the place where thou art northward, and southward, and eastward, and westward: For all the land which thou seest, to thee will I give it, and to thy seed for ever. And I will make thy seed as the dust of the earth: so that if a man can number the dust of the earth, then shall thy seed also be numbered.”
(CEV) Genesis 13:14-16 “After Abram and Lot had gone their separate ways, the Lord said to Abram:
Look around to the north, south, east, and west. I will give you and your family all the land you can see. It will be theirs forever! I will give you more descendants than there are specks of dust on the earth, and someday it will be easier to count those specks of dust than to count your descendants.”
You may have to let some people/friends go, or you may have to leave some relationships (ie some friends, some groups etc). You are not on earth here just to take up space: There’s a reason why God put where you are – Nigeria, Ghana, Zimbabwe, UK, US etc: so stay there & improve the conditions of the people around you – you play a part that only you can do, you are important, but you have to let some people/friends go before you can achieve that. Watch out for people with extreme behavior – don’t follow them in their bipolar mood swing. Miserable/unhappy people don’t want other people to be happy
Your vision will determine the sort of people you hung out with, the books you read, etc. You’ll surround yourself with the right people/friends. Because people who are not going anywhere want to ‘take’ other people with them, ie; to nowhere. Don’t let God-Given opportunities miss you by. Be a person of action: don’t be friends of a vague, silly people. Do not hung around people who murmur, gossip, etc; Know that: if when they’re with you & they gossip about others to you, then similarly too when they’re with those other people they’ll gossip about you too. Most often the devil works through people, but our fight is not against man, so we don’t need to be angry at man but against the devil.
So many people are hampering their walk with God because of wrong friends. Walking away from wrong friends can be a seed (Gal; 6, 9), don’t go about picking your own friends. Ask God for Divine Connection. Sever any unproductive friendships. Keep your heart fixed on Jesus, and don’t be afraid of what man can do to you. Be focused. What to do when you don’t know what to do? In such situations continue to do what you know how to do, & leave the rest to God, & also reach out to other people, ie; Trust God and also do good. ie; ‘…If we do what we can do, then God will do what we can’t do’
Leaving behind things of the past, & old acquaintances, family, friends etc. is a price you pay for progress. Have you realized that there comes a time in your life when you have to just bid some people goodbye out of your company so you can move on with your life? Abraham experienced a season of his life where he had to let go of his closest relative, Lot, so he could move on in life. When Abram left his country, he did so with Lot. With time, Abraham’s servants and livestock increased and so did Lot’s. The servants of Abraham and Lot quarreled often so
Abraham proposed that they went their separate ways. Lot was given the privilege of choosing where he wanted to go and he chose the rich vegetation of Jordan region where Sodom was. Lot had chosen the very best of the land. It is worth noting however that, it was only after Lot had left that God Reappeared to Abram to Give him the specific details of His Blessings. It wasn’t that Lot was a bad relative but then, sometimes in life we need to go. There are some people in your life whose presence in your life deny you focus on where God is taking you.
Some friends come to help us waste our time, engage in useless quarrels, spend energy and money on useless ventures. The longer you keep such friends closer, the farther you would be from your success. You have to wisely distance yourself from them. God is Patiently Waiting for some people to move out of your life so He can Gain your attention and Reveal the next level of His Blessing to you. Some friends are precious and urge you on; you need to keep them. Some are also full of distractions and negative energy; keep them at a distance. You have to move away from some people in your life. Think about this.
Heavenly Father, please Grant me the wisdom and courage to move away from the people in my life who are distractions. Reveal Your plans to me LORD,
In Jesus’ Name, Amen.