(NKJV) Proverbs 18: 21 “Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.”
(NKJV) Proverbs 18: 21 “Words can bring death or life! Talk too much, and you will eat everything you say.”
Everything starts with words. The Word of God should be our Final Authority. God Created this universe out of something you cannot see: Faith (Hebrews 11:3). God Uses words to Create. He Used His Word to “frame” the worlds. Just look in the First Chapter of Genesis and count how many times you see the phrase, “And God said.” God Does not Do anything without Saying it first. That is His MO (His Mode of Operation), so use that mode of operation too. You take His Words and speak them out until They Take on form and substance and become a Reality in your life.
The number one key to living a victorious life is Faith and ‘without faith it is impossible to please God (Heb 11:6),’ therefore we will not walk the victorious life without it! How do we release our faith? We do so by the words that we speak, just like God did when He Created the world. In the same way, we can either create or destroy with the words that we speak.
Do not say; “I tried that, and it didn’t work. I said, ‘By His stripes I’m healed’ 2 times and nothing happened.” Big deal. God Started Saying that Jesus Was Coming in the Garden of Eden. He Said it again in Exodus. He Said it again in Numbers and Deuteronomy. He Said it in Isaiah and through the other prophets. He Said it all through the Old Testament, OVER AND OVER AGAIN. Then after about 7,000 years, The Book of John tells us, “The Word was Made Flesh, and Dwelt among us…”(1:14). So, if you’ve said you’re healed x number of times and nothing happened, don’t worry about it. Just keep saying it. You might think it is taking a long time to manifest, but it won’t take 7,000 years.
Are we speaking words in agreement with what the media is telling us? “Oh I just don’t know how I’m going to make it.” Words like this will not bring victory. We need to speak words in agreement with what God has Told us. Make confessions like this: “God Meets all my needs according to His Riches in Glory, everything will be alright as He always Causes me to triumph.”
Be careful about the words that come of your mouth. Your words have creative powers so you should declare good things about yourself. Your words are tools of Faith. God Takes the words of His disciples (believers) very seriously. Bear in mind that ‘Until you say it, you can’t get it.’ Use your words to Bless yourself. Faith-Filled Words Dominate the law of death. In the same way, fear-filled or death-filled words also dominate the law of life.
Speak The Word Only. There are so many things in the news report that are contrary to what The Word Says, and contrary to what we believe. You must stand firm & begin to speak what God Says, because that (what God Says) is what we want to see. You have to speak The Word Only, don’t speak what you see or hear from the news reports. Don’t speak the crisis but speak The Word Only.
The enemy is waiting on your words so that he can go to work, likewise God too is Waiting on you to speak. That is why The Bible Says do not speak idle (negative) words, so that God Can Go to Work for you. ‘Idle’ words empower satan to do mischief in your life. Jesus Arose from The Dead; words did it, Mk 10: 34 – (“…the third day he shall rise again”) – He was talking about Himself. He Released words which continued to work even after His Death. The words caused God’s Power to Move to Resurrect Him. Words (especially The Word of God) Have Inherent Power to Cause changes.
Words control your destiny. Whatever you keep saying that is where you are going. Repetition helps to transform the soul, Mk 5; 25 –‘the woman with the issue of blood’ she kept on saying that ‘If I may touch but his clothes I shall be whole’ v28. She didn’t say it once, she forgot about any doubt by REPEATEDLY SAYING ‘‘If I may touch but his clothes I shall be whole’(to build up her Faith), then her Faith Pulled power out of Jesus – v34
Your words control your life. Have Faith in God in your heart and with your words (Mark 11:22). Let your words & thoughts line up with The Word of God. If you continue to say something long enough for it to get into your inner being and into your heart, it will control your life.
Do you want to operate in God’s Power? Then use His MO. Speak out His Word and let them Frame a life full of Blessing for you. God Blesses you always. Believe It in your heart, say It with your mouth. God Used the same principle to Create the entire universe. aBe careful you do not talk too much otherwise you may get yourself into trouble. However, not talking at all is equally as bad talking too much & saying the wrong things, Matt 12: 36
‘Every Word You Speak Matters’