NKJV, Hebrews 4:16 – “Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.”
CEV, Hebrews 4:16 – “So whenever we are in need, we should come bravely before the throne of our merciful God. There we will be treated with undeserved grace, and we will find help.”
The Love of God for us is so amazing that we simply cannot apprehend it. Unlike human beings who will be waiting for our downfall so they can mock us, God is rather inviting us into His loving Arms.
Christianity is not about trying to impress God with our strength. It is not about laws, traditions, or religious jargons. Christianity is about a purposeful and consistent growth into the full image, character, and dominion of Jesus Christ (ie; Having a Deep, Intimate,& a Personal relationship with God through Christ Jesus). As we pursue this course amidst the challenges and temptations we meet every day, God knows very well that we will need Mercy and Grace to succeed.
Mercy is a special pardon we receive when we find ourselves guilty of punishment. If God were to treat us as we deserved, we would all be in the six-inched tomb by now. Glory be to God that even when we treat Him with disrespect sometimes, Mercy echoes on our behalf. God is Saying to us today, “Don’t feel condemned; run to me for mercy”.
Grace on the other hand, is the release of God’s supernatural strength to act in place of our weaknesses. Grace is absolutely free. We need Grace in every single endeavour of our lives – Grace in our studies, marriage, ministry, as we travel etc. God is asking us to come for race.
I want to encourage you to always start your day with a prayer and a quiet time with God. Run boldly to God for Mercy and for special Grace early in each morning. I can guarantee you at least double of the productivity and fulfilment you would have enjoyed in a day without that prayer. It is free so go get it and make your day Divine.
Heavenly Father, I run to You today asking for mercy and grace in every aspect of my life. Strengthen me in my weaknesses that I will be able to excel as a Christian. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Question for Meditation
What are some of the events in my life that testify that without mercy and grace, I wouldn’t be where I am now?