NKJV, Psalms 66:8-9 “8 O bless our God, ye people, and make the voice of his praise to be heard: v9 Which holdeth our soul in life, and suffereth not our feet to be moved.”

CEV, Psalms 66:8-9 “8 All of you people, come praise our God! Let his praises be heard. v9 God protects us from death and keeps us steady.

Acts 16: 25 And at midnight Paul and Silas prayed, and sang praises unto God: and the prisoners heard them. v26     And suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken: and immediately all the doors were opened, and every one’s bands were loosed.

Everything we do in life is done for a reason. To every action, there is a cause. In the same vein, we need to appreciate the need for us to praise God.

Praising God in this context implies, declaring God’s Goodness and Greatness unto Him as an act of appreciation. King David, in our Scripture reference, gives us two important reasons for which we have to seriously keep praising God.

Firstly, we are to praise God because He has kept our souls among the living. Beloved, many souls are added to the grave every minute of life. The mere fact that we have not been counted amongst the dead, but the living is enough reason for us to lift up praises in honour of God.

The second reason David gives as the reason for us to praise God is that God did not let our foot slip. This implies God’s firm guidance in life. God has been the one ordering our steps on a daily basis.

Praise God: because He Deserves it. What is it you want God to do for you…what doors do you want God to Open for you – The answer is in your mouth? PRAISE

We must be Thankful & Praise His Name: We must praise the Lord for every victory in our life; ie the Lepers who Jesus Healed…the 1 who came back with praises was Made Whole by Jesus…the other 9 Lepers were simply cleansed of their leprosy – Praise turns things  around

‘Praise’ confuses the devil. Praise is Powerful. Praise gets God’s attention It can make God ‘go’ jail, eg Paul & Silas jail (Acts 16; 25-26) – Praise is a powerful thing. Praise gets God’s attention. Don’t worship the gift but worship the Giver.

God Gave us mouth to glorify/Praise Him. Murmurings, grumblings, and complaints don’t move God, but Praise & Thanksgiving do; (Phil; 4, 6). Praise is God’s Language, whilst complaining is the devil’s language.

If you want God’s Blessing, then Praise Him every morning, every afternoon, & in every evening. Remember where you were & God reached out & snatched you out & give Him Praise.

I want to challenge you to always praise God for we have a cause to do so.


Heavenly Father, all praise and thanks be unto Your Name. Thank You, LORD, for Your steadfast Love in Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Question for Meditation

What personal reason do I have to praise God?

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