Luke 12:40 – Be ye therefore ready also: for the Son of man cometh at an hour when ye think not.
The greatest measure of who we are and what we love is how we spend our time.
Where do you spend most of your time? Most of us spend the majority of it with family, at work, or on hobbies. All of those are important things that we should invest in. But Jesus says there’s another thing that we need to spend time doing.
There are a lot of different ideas people have for when Jesus will return, but ultimately, Jesus says that nobody will know the time and date. He will come at a time when we least expect Him.
Until He does come, He says that we should be ready. We tend to spend most of our time working on finding the right career, pursuing certain relationships, or building wealth and possessions. And yet, none of those things will prepare us for when Jesus returns.
So what can we do to prepare?
The first thing is to put your Faith in Jesus, by believing that He gave His life so that you could have eternal life. Next, commit to spending time with Him, confessing your mistakes, and being transformed by His Presence.
Finally, continue to tell others about the great love that Jesus has for them. Continue to grow in your Faith every day and be faithful with the gifts that God has given you.
Today, spend some time in prayer considering who in your life needs to hear about the love Jesus has for them. Who can you share this great news with today?
Luke 12:40 teaches that people should be ready for the return of Christ: Christians are to remain (live) ready for Christ’s return