Mark 5:36, NKJV ‘As soon as Jesus heard the word that was spoken, he saith unto the ruler of the synagogue, Be not afraid, only believe’.

Jesus is on His Way Jairus’ house to Raise his daughter from the dead. Jesus is stopped by the lady of blood. Jesus Overhears the person from Jairus’ house while He is Speaking to the woman healed from an issue of blood. There is a similarity here between the girl and Lazarus—both times, Jesus Waits until the person is identified as dead before He Comes to them.

Jesus says, “Don’t be afraid; just believe.” Jesus not only protected Jairus from Satan’s attack, but He also deepened Jairus’ Faith. Jesus Encouraged him not to give up and to just trust in Jesus to the end. Jesus Wanted Jairus to trust him even before the power of death “Do not fear; only believe” is the command of protection, the voice of encouragement, the sound of salvation and of course the Voice of Jesus when He came to this earth to remove the fear from our hearts and Fill us with His faith and eternal life. In Mark 5:35-43, we read how Jesus performed a tremendous miracle.

Fear when allowed to have its way in our lives, has the power to cripple our destiny. God is admonishing us to deal with our fears and uphold Faith as we pursue the course of life. Fear is a thief and a great enemy of progress. A lot of talented men have died without leaving any good legacy simply because they were afraid of failure. Fear deprives us of the little strength left to press on towards the goal. God is Rebuking every spirit of fear out of your life today. Most often we tend to give in to fear of the unknown. As we conceive a new idea or embark on a new project, we tend to ask ourselves, “What if it fails? What if it is not God’s Will? What if I lose every investment I have made?”

 If I am to call you to inform you that I have a serious announcement for you, what will be your immediate expectation? Good news or Bad news? God is asking us today, “What if you succeed? What if you pass that exam? What if it is My Will? What if your investment yields the very best of returns?” We are to develop a positive mentality for everything we do. We have to expect the positive and not the negative. One question God usually Asks me is, “Son, what is the worse that could happen to you?” Anytime I answer that question, I do realise that there is actually no strong basis for my fear. No threat is beyond our God’s Control, neither is there any restriction to His awesome Power and Love. If only we cast out that fear and embrace a refreshing Faith and hope, our visions and aspirations will come to pass.

Be not afraid, only believe and even the seemingly impossible circumstances in our lives will turn out as our very best testimonies. I believe that strongly; hope you do also.


Heavenly Father, please Help me to replace every spirit of fear with that of Faith. From today, I refuse to harbor fear in me. I will fear no evil because You are my shepherd. Bless the work of my hands.

In Jesus’ Name, Amen.WhatsApp Image 2018-11-03 at 21.06.15

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