Proverbs 16:2-3 – “All the ways of a man are clean in his own eyes; but the LORD weigheth the spirits. Commit thy works unto the LORD, and thy thoughts shall be established.”

Jeremiah 29: 11 “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.”

Precious one, we are in the fourth month of the year 2024. Just cast your mind back to the plans and resolutions you made last year and ask yourself whether your plans are working out well so far. Continue to commit to the LORD whatever you do and your plans will succeed.

God Has a Specific Plan for everybody (Jer 29: 11). That Plan is in The Bible. If you want to know The Plan of God for your life then you need to know The Bible. YOUR WORDS AFFECT YOUR FUTURE – Confessing (or saying The Word of God out loud) & getting into agreement with The Plan of God for your life with your life, will make some amazing changes in your life that you have ever seen.

We need to first and foremost be thankful to our Heavenly Father whose unwavering love has sustained us to this stage of the year. To Him be all glory. Have you ever felt a sense of great disappointment because a planned strategy of yours ended in complete shambles? It could be a career strategy, academic work, family issues, health challenges, etc. And when our plans fail, frustration gushes on us like a fountain.

We are fallible and shortsighted beings. That is why the wise man, in the book of Proverbs, indicates that a man’s ways SEEM innocent to him but the motives are weighed by the LORD. We can be innocently wrong. We can even be so convinced we are on the right path whereas threading on the wrong track. That is why it is important to commit every plan of ours to God who knows all things.

The lady or guy who looks like a perfect spouse to you now may be the devil’s personal assistant. The job offer you may be turning down could actually be your secret to wealth. That vision you wish to give up on could actually work. I have learned to trust God with EVERYTHING I do! It’s not as simple as it sounds, but its worth trusting God especially when ‘humans’ common sense’ tells you to do the exact opposite of what God tells you to do.

I just want to encourage you, dearly beloved. Don’t depend on your own strategies and understanding. By the time you realize your mistakes, it would have been too late. However, when you commit your plans to God, He has a way of fine-tuning them and directing your heart to the place where treasures are. Don’t give up or allow frustration to set in. If you begin with God, continue with Him to the end and you will surely succeed.

The Plan of God for your life will happen. If anybody stands in your way and you can’t get around them, then God Will Remove them from the earth like He did to Pharaoh & his army (in the Red Sea) who were chasing the Israelites.

When we follow The Plan of God for our life, we will have victory, it does not mean we will not have problems, but The Holy Spirit will get us out.


Heavenly Father, into Your hands I commit all that I want to do. I surrender it all, that I may walk in the strength of Your might. I may not be able to predict how You will do it, but I am confident that You will help me succeed. Prosper Your servant oh God!
In Jesus’ Name, Amen


Have I committed my plans to God?

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