You and I have a Covenant ‘with’ God. God made a covenant with Abraham to Bless him (& Abraham’s seed), but now because of Jesus we believers are all in the Blessing (Gal; 3, 29). A Covenant with God is Such A Powerful Force That you can have in life.
The Covenant of Abraham is a Promise & an Oath (Heb 6: 13) by God to increase us. This Covenant is everlasting, so if you are unfamiliar to the Covenant, you will live beneath your privileges. Increase is the Will of God for your life: ie, God cannot do anything for you if you are a unfamiliar to your Covenant. Be secured in The Covenant. Now we have been given the assignment to teach God’s Covenant Promises to our children, and also with the people in & around our life. As you do that you will build up your own Faith.
The Covenant must be activated by Faith, it is you who put The Covenant into Action your life. There is one thing for you to know that there is A Covenant and another thing to know you have a Covenant, but the most important thing is that you have activate The Covenant & enjoy Its Benefits. How do you activate The Covenant? = By Faith. We are His Covenant people and The Only thing in His Mind is for you to be whole; spirit, soul, body, physically, financially, socially, ie; everything about you to be WHOLE.
God’s Covenant with you is An Expression of His Grace, His Mercy, His Kindness, & His Goodness Towards you. Our Covenant of Blessing Protects us from harm: When we live our life in and through our Covenant, it keeps us on The Blessing Side of life. Walk in The Blessing and live, as long you are walking The Blessing the devil cannot kill you! We are Already Blessed and Healed because of our Covenant. God Has Not Forgotten what is in His Covenant with you. Jesus is our Access Point to The Covenant.
Knowledge of (& Faith in) The Covenant and knowing your Righteousness will: ‘Make you perfect in every good work to do his will, working in you that which is well pleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ; to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen’ (Heb 13: 21). Your Covenant with God provides Everything you need. When you do sin don’t go about ‘crying’: you are a Covenant person & His Blood Does Cleanse you Always from sin, so run to Him not away from Him.
God Has Covenant of wealth that He Wants to Bestow on us. God Has a Covenant determination to Give to us all that He Has. Have Faith in The Covenant that what God Has promised He Would Perform it; eg “God is my Covenant Provider, & my reward shall be great”. As a born-again Christian, your Covenant with God Was Fulfilled Through Jesus, & when you accepted Jesus into your life you entered A Covenant partnership with God (with His Covenant Promises)
Be Covenant-minded, and God’s Word First Place & Final Authority in your life. No matter what problem you have, your Answer is The Words of Jesus (Mk 11: 22); ‘Have Faith in God’. You are Redeemed from the curse and The Blessing of Abraham is now yours through an Everlasting Covenant with God Almighty. Anything God Promised in The Covenant with Abraham are all yours, & you can have them all through Faith. Receive your Covenant Promises by The Blood of Jesus
God Said in Ps 89; 34 that, (My covenant will I not break, nor alter the thing that is gone out of my lips). God is Not Going to Break The Covenant. The Covenant is an unbreakable agreement. Just because you do not know The Covenant, it is not His Fault. He Has Already Provided It. Thank God( Eph 2: 13 – By The Jesus’ Blood Covenant, we can walk in everlasting Blessing). Always believe in The Covenant of God, but not in the contradictions from your circumstances, because God a Covenant-Keeping God.
We have Covenant with Almighty God; we can call on Jesus because we know God’s Mercy. Walk and live in The Covenant of THE BLESSING. It is all about believing, speaking, and trusting in God’s covenant with you.