Proverbs 1:27-29, ESV – “when terror strikes you like a storm and your calamity comes like a whirlwind, when distress and anguish come upon you. Then they will call upon me, but I will not answer; they will seek me diligently but will not find me. Because they hated knowledge and did not choose the fear of the Lord,”

Do not wait for the trouble to come before you read The Bible. No, read The Bible every day so that when trouble comes you already have the answer. Our job is to stay calm; trust God & believe that God is fighting our battles for us. Feeding on (ie: Reading, studying, confession, believing) The Word will Strengthen your spirit.

We need to recognize the onset of when satan is trying to get into our life & resist him. If you do not know The TRUTH of The Word of God, satan can be lying to you & you will not even know. The easiest way to for us resist satan is to submit to God, OBEDIENCE, (James 4; 7).

How will you feel when you see a person approaching danger, yet the person despises every advice you give to him/her in an attempt to save him or her? I believe it hurts so much when people ignore all your attempts at helping them, only for them to run back to you for help when they are now in a serious ‘mess’.

 In life, ignoring wisdom comes with dire consequences such as calamities, terrors, and mockeries. Most often, when God is speaking wisdom to us, we do not give Him attention. We often know what is right and best to do yet we end up doing things our own way. Later, the troubles start coming our way and we begin to cry unto God.

Why wait to suffer injury, and seek for healing when you can actually take wise steps to prevent the injury in the first place? PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN CURE and so is precaution better than deliverance. Looking at the way you handle wise advice concerning your life, are you sure God will gladly respond to you when trouble arises?

As Loving as God is, He will come to our aid when we find ourselves in trouble, (Psalms 46: 1 – God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble). However, if you didn’t learn to listen to Him and hear Him clearly in times of peace, can you pay attention and obey Him in your emotional state of anguish? This is the time to love and fear God. This is the time to love and live according to knowledge. This is the time to build a good relationship with God and follow wisdom ahead of time.

I want to admonish us all today. Let us seek wisdom while it can be found. Let us not wait till our days of trouble before we run to God for wisdom. May God help us, Amen!


Dear Lord daily, there are so many issues and people I need to deal with. I need Your Wisdom to know how best to go about everything. May I never ignore You Lord but help me to cling to You in all things, in Jesus’ Name, Amen!


Have I been ignoring godly wisdom? How can I desist from that?

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