Psalms 18:28-29 – “For it is you who light my lamp; the Lord my God lightens my darkness. For by you I can run against a troop, and by my God I can leap over a wall.”

One of the unfortunate realities of this life is that there will always be opposition to every initiative one will ever take, be it good or bad. When you do what is bad, good people will definitely rise against you. If you pursue what is good, bad people will equally rise against you in life.

But Jesus said, “In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world” (John 16:33). Since He’s overcome and you are in Him, that makes you an overcomer. So, Overcomer, stay strong when opposition tries to wear you out. You can do this through Christ!

The state of evil in the world is caused by the free will obsession of man, & the drive for destruction by the demons. The world system opposes God, but God has a way of curbing opposition. Temptation is pressure applied to Flesh (FLESH – a way of thinking that opposes The Word of God). We don’t always fall into sin, but most times we walk straight into sin.

Whenever God wants to move you to a new level, the devil brings in opposition; these may be new obstacles or some old ones that will re-visit you. Be more generous to make somebody happy but know this; anytime you want to do good, or do anything to make any progress in your life; whether it is Bible study, being generous, etc the devil will bring some opposition to stop you – THE DEVIL HATES PROGRESS

The enemy enslaves (keeps you in bondage), but God Empowers us – The enemy has programmed us to a fallen state of life, and so you always want to live in this world (Babylonian) system. As a believer of The Lord Jesus Christ, you are to do everything for our “earthly people” as though you were working for the Lord, rather than for people” (Ephesians 6:5-7,) – The simple fact is that we are witnesses for the Gospel in everything we do, (Colossians 3:17). Empowered by Christ, we are to have a good attitude toward our non-Christian friends

Biblical Empowerment is more than just a buzzword or a self-help concept. It is a gift from God, an invitation to live a life that reflects His Power, purpose, and Love. The Bible teaches us that true empowerment comes from a deep, intimate, personal relationship with our Creator. Faith in God’s Word is  What Empowers us to get results eg; the woman with the issue of blood.

To assume that you do not have enemies and that you are loved by everybody is an unfortunate, unrealistic thought that will lead you to a severe broken heart. The point however is that no matter how numerous and strong your enemies may be, God will still cause you to advance in His Divine agenda for your life. No matter how high the barriers mounted against you, you will still leap over them.

David expressed that even when he found himself in a state of darkness and confusion, God lightened up his life. In spite of the fact that armies stood against him, God helped him to run through them. Though walls were mounted as barriers and limitations, God empowered him to jump over the walls. The walls built in David’s days were not as we have them now.

They were huge and tall, and people could even build houses on them as was done on the wall of Jericho. It was not easy to climb not to talk of jumping over it. In other words, David was saying that by His God he has been able to do the impossible by surmounting great limitations in his life.

When you face opposition, rely on God, and His Word: 2 Timothy 2:14 shows us that it’s better to steer clear of heated arguments with those you disagree with. Instead, be kind and patient to others. 1 Peter 2:23 shows us that Jesus actually trusted those who persecuted Him to God, who is a just judge.

Beloved, I do not know the battles you may be facing. I do not know what is limiting you from moving forward with your life. However, I pray for you today, that you will receive Light to dismiss your darkness. May God empower you in this moment to run through your enemies and leap over every hindrance to your life. With your God, you will definitely make it, in Jesus’ Name.


Heavenly Father, once I have you on my side, I shall not be moved at all. Please Grant me the Grace to run the race of life and of Your Kingdom. Empower me with Divine Strength and speed to run through my enemies and overcome barriers in life. I am blessed and unstoppable, in Jesus’ Name, Amen.


Is there any opposition in my life that God cannot Help me overcome?

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