Luke 2:13-14 “Suddenly a vast, heavenly army appeared with the angel, praising God and saying, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among people with whom he is pleased!””
What will be your first reaction if all of a sudden, the skies split open, and a host of celestial beings come down towards you in Supernatural forms? I am sure most people today will pick phones to take a video, though trembling in fear. Well, this was the dramatic event some shepherds experienced when Christ Jesus was born.
In fact, His birth was not only joy to the world, but more so, a great day of celebration in Heaven. The only begotten Son of the Most High God had been officially Released unto the earth realm in order to raise more sons to Glory. For human beings on earth, it was the hope of Salvation.
The celebration of the Birth of our Lord Jesus Christ is in effect the celebration of our deliverance and freedom. It is our day of independence and God reliance. Once you are in Christ, you are entitled to His Peace that commands victory over all the scenes and storms of life. If you are in Christ and yet under bondage, then there is something wrong somewhere.
Remember the angels sang that, “… on earth, peace among people with whom He is pleased”. That presupposes that, you only get to experience the Peace Jesus Christ offers, if and only if the Father is Pleased with you. That implies acknowledging your sinful ways, repenting from them, accepting Jesus into your life as Lord and living the rest of your life in reverence and honour of Him.
As we celebrate God’s Greatest Gift to humanity, our response to His Goodness should be to glorify Him in the highest and enjoy His Peace on earth. May this season spark up great peace and joy that will rest with you all the days of your life. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Heavenly Father, thank you very much for Jesus Christ. Please Help me to please You and enjoy Your Peace while on earth. May my life continually bring glory to You.
In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Question for Meditation
In what ways can I enjoy the Peace Jesus Has brought to me?