Psalms 16:11 – “You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.”
Nehemiah 8: 10 – “…the joy of the LORD is your strength.”
The right way for the believer is in The Presence of God. In His Presence there’s fullness of joy (no worries, everything goes well, etc), & in His right Hand are the pleasures of life. Joy can be defined as an inner liberty, excitement and cheerfulness one expresses, irrespective of the prevailing circumstances one may find himself in. That implies that one can be in chains yet express joy. Another can live in a king’s palace and yet not know any joy in life. Joy is found in believing: It is Amazing how joyful you will get when you begin to believe right, (Rom 15; 13 – Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost.)
Joy is one of the privileges and birthrights of every child of God. Once you are born again, you are supposed to be living a life of joy, not because you are commanded to rejoice always, but actually because the Holy Spirit in you is the Spirit of Joy. Unfortunately, many Christians are only enduring life instead of enjoying it. Sincerely speaking, godliness now sounds more of a burden to people, as though those outside Christianity are more joyous.
You do not have to wait for all circumstances to turn out good before you have joy, no you can enjoy your life now if you choose to believe & trust in God’s Word. – LET GOD BE THE CENTRE OF YOUR LIFE. Be conscious of your Righteousness in Christ. Do not be conscious of your sins and problems – you are righteous because of the Perfect Sacrifice of Christ. Peace and joy flow when you know that all your sins have been forgiven because of Jesus’ finished work.
God says to you “Don’t focus on controlling your awful circumstances. Instead, seek first My Kingdom, which is Righteousness, Peace and Joy in the Holy Spirit. Be conscious of the Righteousness you have as a gift from My Son. Keep your inner man flowing with My Peace and Joy, and I will take care of your problems.” YOUR LIFE’S PURPOSE IS FOUND IN JESUS; Focus on Jesus and discover the joy of being in a rich relationship with Him (coming to Him, worshiping & praising Him, etc). If He is your Focus, then life will work alright for you.
Do not worry about what you cannot do anything about – God is in control; everything will be all right; God does not want you to live worried or anxious about anything. He Knows that worry steals your peace and joy. When you cast your cares on Him, He Will Give you His peace & joy. Do things as to & for God; one of the things that you can do to bring joy into your life all day is to be more thankful – thank God not only for the big things but also for those small-small things – the joy of the lord is your strength.
The abundance of the Kingdom of God is already Inside you. As you seek first God’s Kingdom, and follow His Righteousness, Peace and Joy (Matthew 6:33), you will find that God has not only taken care of what is troubling you but has also added Blessings to you. The next time something troubles you, do not focus on correcting the problem. Instead, seek first God’s Kingdom and His Righteousness. Make it a priority to have your inner man flowing with His Peace and Joy, and He will take care of that problem for you!
Minding other people’s business steals your joy. You can increase or decrease your joy just by how you talk. You can talk yourself into being miserable or you can yourself into being joyful. When you focus on Jesus; you get your instructions, you get your peace, you get your joy, you get your Wisdom, & you get your life from him, He is going to Fix any wrong thing with your life. Stop making excuses, stop blaming others & (do not try to justify every wrong thing that you have done but take responsibility for your own behaviour because nobody is responsible for your joy or your life except you – being responsible makes you a honourable person.
David was a man of many enemies, yet he experienced the fullness of joy. He indicated that, in the presence of God, there is fullness of joy. That implies that you cannot live in the Presence of God and remain sorrowful, desperate and broken. In God’s right hand are pleasures evermore. When you are so happy inside (in your soul, in your spirit-man), you may have a huge problem around you, but it does not matter to you because you have THE JOY OF THE LORD inside of you. There is no ‘happiness’ in things, but there is Joy in Jesus & if you seek Him things will follow you.
Fullness of joy means continuing in a state of constant communion with our heavenly Father. It’s choosing to remain in an awareness of His abiding presence within us. The one who believes in Me, as the Scripture said, ‘From his innermost being will flow rivers of living water. – John 7:38. We want all of the joy that the Father has stored up for His people. That fullness of joy comes from Christ. It is first His joy that He gives to us, and as we are plugged into Him, this joy that comes from Him grows, increases, and becomes full.
I have learned to run to God in every moment of life. Sometimes, my mind gets soaked up with the pressures of life but the moment I run to God in prayer, I always come out laughing and fulfilled. The more I stay in tune with the Holy Spirit, the more joyous I live. When I discovered this Truth, I made it a daily habit to always begin, continue, and end my day with God.
It is how well we live but not how long we liv,e that makes life worthwhile. As you live your life, sharing Christ & loving people you are going to have great Joy in your life. Make sure you live a good life on earth so that long after you are dead & gone, people will still be talking about you & the many good things that you did. The devil cannot stop you from being Blessed, but he wants stop you from enjoying The Blessing God gave you; the enemy will have you imagine every possible negative outcomes to destroy your peace & stop God’s Plan for your life, do not give in to his tricks.
If you know who you are in Christ you will be happy everywhere you are, because you know that your Joy is in The Lord, and not in what you have or in who know. Do right because it is right; When you do the right thing it you always get joy out of it. As long as we are doing What God Wants us to do we can do it with peace, and we can do it with joy. If you want be happy then keep your mind off yourself and help somebody to get a life better, eg give and or help them because when help people then God gives you The Joy That Only He Alone Can Give
Our joy & our peace is not in what we have but is in us having the right relationship with God & being in His Will. Do not let your circumstances take away your joy. There are higher heights and deeper depths in the LORD. You are supposed to be infesting people with joy and laughter. Your joy must spring forth from within, wherein the Holy Spirit dwells. May the joy of the LORD be your strength, amen.
Heavenly Father, please fill me with the fullness of Your joy, that I will be a channel of joy to all the people that I come into contact with. Bless me LORD, In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
What are the things that steal my joy?