Luke 2:11-14
“Today your Savior is born in the city of David. He is Christ the Lord. This will be a sign for you: You will find a baby wrapped in strips of cloth and lying in a manger.” Suddenly a vast, heavenly army appeared with the angel, praising God and saying, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among people with whom he is pleased!”
If there is ever a child whose birth affected the entirety of Heaven and Earth, that Child is Jesus Christ; the Son of God Almighty, Birthed in humanity in order to Bridge the relationship between Divinity and humanity – Jesus is the Mediator Not Only Between God and Man, but also Stands between The Old Testament (Covenant) and The New Testament (Covenant).
When the Angel of the Lord announced the Birth of our Lord Jesus Christ to the Shepherds, he gave them the sign of a Baby Jesus wrapped in strips of cloth. The intriguing part of the narrative is how the vast army of Heavenly hosts appeared physically to the shepherds singing and praising God. Just imagine how you will feel when one Angel comes to visit you: how much more the manifestation of Heavenly Host of Angels?
The song of these Heavenly host Revealed the two-fold impact of Christ’s ministry on the Earth, that is: 1. To bring Glory to God, His Father and 2. To Establish peace among men. This kind of peace is not just absence of conflict but inner tranquillity, liberty, and a great sense of fulfillment. Those who seek to please Jesus experience the Glory of God and the peace that transcends human understanding.
Do you want to experience the Glory of God in your life; His Power, Holiness and Love? If the answer is ‘Yes’, then you need Jesus. Do you want to live a life of peace with God and with fellow men? Do you desire true liberty, tranquillity and eternal life? If you do, then you need to hold on to Jesus.
I can testify of the Heavenly Glory and peace I have experienced as I follow Jesus every day. Even when on the outward, people feel we are hard-pressed with the issues of life, we are able to walk about whistling and singing to God for His marvelous works in our lives daily. May you experience Glory and peace as you celebrate Jesus in this season, Amen.
Dear Lord Jesus, as I celebrate You this season, please Fill my life with God’s Glory and also peace. Please Help me to keep in step with You always,
In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Question for Meditation
What do I need to do to please Jesus and experience His Peace?

Amen Brother. Our Lord is coming quickly.
Amen, thank you