Genesis 22:7-8 – “Isaac said to his father Abraham, “My father?” “What is it, my son?” he replied. “Here is the fire and the wood,” Isaac said, “but where is the lamb for the burnt offering?” “God will provide for himself the lamb for the burnt offering, my son,” Abraham replied. The two of them continued on together.”
GOD’S PROVISION FOR US SO MAGNIFICENT. There is no shortage of God’s Devine supply, but only thing we need do is to put a demand on God’s Supernatural provisions. Enjoy what provision God gives you today, and don’t worry about where tomorrow’s Provision will come from. When tomorrow comes God will provide.
“GOD WILL PROVIDE” is a phrase that conveys the idea that God will take care of people and provide for them. When you obey God to do something, He provides the provisions. In the Bible, Philippians 4:19 states that God will supply all needs according to his riches. This includes physical, emotional, financial, relational, and spiritual needs.
“The Good Lord will Provide” is also used to convey the idea that there is hope, even in difficult times, for those who are patient and have Faith: It is God’s WILL to supply your needs! The Bible here tells us very clearly it is His will to supply your needs, it is His WILL – God WILL Provide – I want you to embrace it. Whatever God’s Will is, it’s going to come to pass, it is God’s Will to meet your needs.
Without The Holy Spirit we are orphans, nobody will care for us but, with Him we have full provision. You don’t have to run after provisions– prosperity, money, etc will come to you because now The Kingdom of God is in. Your present day obedience to things determines your future provision of things…be Faithful with stuff.
God Has unlimited Ways to give us Supernatural Provision. Supernatural Provision of God does not depend on the economic condition of the world. Your past is not Relevant to God. You and I have done bad things in the past but God doesn’t want that to stop The Miracle Working Power of our future, so He has made provisions for our past in His Word.
The Will of God is for you to HEAR a step, then you TAKE that step, and then He will REVEAL the next step to you. When you align yourself to The Will of God, The Blessings of God, Power, Provisions, Protection, etc will come to you.
The Faith, love and obedience Abraham had for God is exemplary. To offer your only son whom you love as an offering to God is not an easy thing to do. God, our loving Heavenly Father, wants us to find happiness and joy. He created a plan for us to grow, live by Faith, and return to live with Him someday. His plan gives meaning and context to our life here on earth and answers the big questions: “Where did I come from?” “Why am I here?” and “What happens after I die?”
When God instructed Abraham to go and offer Isaac as a sacrifice, he promptly obeyed. He took his son and two of his servants and headed towards Mount Moriah. Isaac at a point asked the father were the lamb to be offered as a sacrifice was, but little did he know that he was the lamb to be slain. His father assured him that God would surely provide a lamb for the burnt offering.
Beloved, sometimes the Commandments and assignments God give us seem to overwhelm us, especially when we try to consider the resources required to fulfill them. However, we need to be assured in our hearts that if God assigns us to a task, He will surely provide the necessary resources for its fulfillment.
In Genesis 22:5, Abraham told the two servants he went with to stay behind at a point so that he and Isaac would go, worship, and return to them. That implies that though he had been asked to sacrifice Isaac, he knew in his heart that he was going to return home with his son. He had walked with God to the point that, he had become assured of God’s Faithfulness in keeping His Covenant by making Isaac a great nation.
Precious one, I do not know what God has laid on your heart to do for Him. However, if He put that desire or assignment there, then be assured that He will surely provide the necessary resources and Grace for you to finish that task. GOD WILL SURELY PROVIDE.
When we have Faith in Jesus and live righteously, God will provide us a glorious life in His Name. Trusting in God to provide our needs and protection demonstrates our Faith and devotion to Him.
Heavenly Father, please help me to absolutely trust You for Your provision as Abraham did. As I live for You, please provide all the blessings I need to be able to live for Your glory. In Jesus Name, Amen.
What are some of the resources I am expecting God to provide for me to fulfill His assignment for me?