Psalms 15:1-4 (NET) – “A psalm of David. LORD, who may be a guest in your home? Who may live on your holy hill? Whoever lives a blameless life, does what is right, and speaks honestly. He does not slander, or do harm to others, or insult his neighbor. He despises a reprobate, but honors the LORD’s loyal followers. He makes firm commitments and does not renege on his promise.”
The greatest favor that can ever come the way of anybody, is for that person to find himself/herself abiding in the Presence of God. We are not referring to always being in church, to the point of sleeping there all night for months. You can do that and still not be in God’s manifest presence.
BEING IN GOD’S PRESENCE – if you are always in God’s Presence the devil doesn’t know what to do to you. The Blood of Jesus grants us access to God’s Presence. Faith in The Blood will bring you into God’s Presence. Feel free to be in God’s Presence.
The Presence of God means everything to The Christian. If you carry God’s Presence the Holy Spirit will reveal the plans of your enemies to you. The Holy Spirit will reveal the plans of your enemy to you if you carry God’s Presence. When you get in His Presence manifestations happen, because in His Presence things happen – ie: things are available to you when you walk in The Presence of God
It’s about trusting that God’s ways are better than ours (Isaiah 55:9). It’s about surrendering control and letting Him guide our steps (Proverbs 3:5-6). It’s about believing that no matter how dark or how difficult the path may seem, His Light will always guide us home (Psalm 119:105).
The goal is to live in God’s Presence so you can live in the present. God’s Presence arrests your worries and locks them away so you can live in today. God’s presence purifies your heart and mind (1 Thessalonians 3:13). His presence comforts and encourages like none other.
The Presence of God is one of a deep intimacy with our Father. It is that place of knowing Him and being fully known by Him. It is that place of Righteousness – where we know deeply, not just academically, that through Jesus, we are truly right with God.
To experience God’s Presence is to experience the shining of God’s Face(Psalm 67:1). Believers always live in God’s Presence, and He notes all their deeds (Mal 3:16). He has promised to be with us until he comes again ( Matt 28:20 ).
When we dwell with God, we are conscious of His Presence in our lives. This consciousness can be a feeling of closeness or contentment with God, but it can also be an awareness of God’s Greatness, Power, Wisdom, or Love. We feel most at home in God’s Presence, but we don’t always dwell there.
Is it even possible for one to live daily in God’s presence? What does it even mean to dwell in God’s Presence? David was a man who always walked before the Presence of God. In our reference scripture, he teaches us how to remain in God’s Presence. To be a guest in God’s Home, one ought to live a blameless life, do what is right and honestly speak the Truth at all times.
Obviously, there are several other things we do to attract God’s Presence in our lives. However, I would like us to pay closer attention to the three mentioned above. Beloved, are you living a blameless life? Though you are not perfect, the LORD expects that you will be without blame in all aspects of your life.
God wants us to also be committed to doing what is right at all times; even when it means we lose or be disadvantaged in the process. Often, we know deep down in our hearts that what we are doing is not right, yet we compromise, do it and even cause others to compromise along with us. Sometimes, because we know we can lie to cover up for our evil deeds, we do not mind doing them.
Living in God’s Presence is a daily commitment that involves developing a deeper relationship with God and allowing His guidance to shape your life. It can be a human and Divine experience that can be felt in many different ways. Some say that living in God’s Presence can purify, change you, and help you align your perspective with God’s.
Precious one, may I suggest to you that probably, the reason for which you are not encountering God in His Might as you may have desired is simply because of dishonesty and poor commitment to doing what is right. With Christ our Savior and the Holy Spirit our Helper on our sides, we can joyfully abide in the Presence of God. Think deeply about this, Amen
Heavenly Father, please forgive me for the times I have been dishonest and guilty of sin. Please help me to live right in Your sight, so that I may enjoy Your manifest Presence in my life. Thank You LORD, in Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Am I really committed to doing all it takes to walk with God?