Psalms 16:11 – “You make known to me the path of life; in your presence, there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.”
Recently, a friend and I ordered an Uber driver to take us home after an evening program. We were given an estimated fare but upon arrival, the actual fare was different based on the distance covered.
Not knowing that the driver did not know the route as he had earlier indicated, we went round, and round, trying to find our way back while the fare was shooting up. Eventually, we had to go back to the very spot we began our journey, before finding the way out again. Time, money, energy, and fuel had all been wasted simply because we had missed just one U-turn and lost the path to our destination.
It later occurred to me that it was a great life lesson I had just learned. There is a path to life and to the destination God has proposed for us. There are crossroads, roundabouts, and junctions in the journey of life. God is who knows the full map to our greatness and blessed is the one to who God reveals our life path.
David attested to the fact that the LORD made known to him the path of life. In other words, the LORD led him in all steps and decisions of life. No wonder He is celebrated as the greatest king ever in the history of Israel. I have come to a point in my life where I do not want to take any next step without first being in tune with the LORD and receiving His counsel.
No matter how small the decision is, we ought to inquire about the LORD because, often, small decisions have great consequences. Beloved, there is a path to life you must be on. God has the blueprint, and no matter how you may have drifted from that path, God can still bring you back. May God reveal to you your life path, Amen.
Heavenly Father, thank You for the blessed path You have designed for my life. Please reveal Your plans to me, that I will walk in Your guidance. Bless us, LORD, in Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Question for Meditation
What steps can I take to discover God’s plan for my life?