“7. For nation will rise up in arms against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines and earthquakes in various places. 8. All these things are the beginning of birth pains.”
I once had a teacher who always set difficult questions for students. We always complained to him that his mid-term class test was too difficult and he always responded, ‘This is just the beginning; wait for the final exams!’.
Beloved, if you happen to be a person concerned about the current events in today’s world, you will realize that things are not going to get better. Of course, in terms of technology and comfort, we are set to advance rapidly in the next few years. However, moral corruption is going to be on the ascendency, crime rate is going to go high, frictions among nations will grow rougher and many people will disregard the things of God. The LGBTQ+, breach of privacy and daily display of human wickedness is going to rise.
Nations will consider adopting bio-war plans and all forms of activities for wars. Jesus Said, “when we see all these things happening, we should consider that these are but the beginning of birth pains”. In other words, there are more pains yet to come. We are getting to point where, deciding not to compromise will be equal to suicide because there will be attacks against you.
In all these beloved, know for sure that God is Bigger and Mighty to save. More of these negative effects will be seen, Christians continue to sleep and slumber in carnality and utter disappointment to God. However, when we rise to our call as one Body of Christ, the plots of Satan will be destroyed.
I want to challenge you today; let us brace ourselves for the challenges to come, let us purpose in our hearts to stand for Jesus in word and conduct in this time of life, let us rise in the prayer that the Mercies of God Will Abound Over this generation. By The Empowerment of The Holy Spirit, we will overcome and succeed as Children of God, even in these end times; Amen.
Heavenly Father,
I ask for mercy for this generation. Grant us Your grace to surge on in Your will for our lives and in our Christian faith. In Jesus’ name, amen.