‘…Winners never quit, and quitters never win…’
I don’t know what you are going through right now. No matter the situation, don’t ever give up. No matter how bad the pain, do not quit. God Hon ours you when quitting is not an option for you.
A farmer puts the seed in the soil believing that God will send down rain for it to germinate and eventually mature to feed thousands of people. You have submitted applications to different places looking for a job, but you haven’t received any response yet. Don’t give up, keep of keeping on.
There is this song that says, “To wit, God sometimes Hides us under certain conditions (not terrible conditions), before He Brings us into the limelight”. I always use the cripple man at the pool of Bethesda who for 38 ‘bad’ years sat there trusting and believing that there would be a breakthrough for him one day. And surely when he met the ‘Miracle Worker’ (Jesus), his sadness over the years Turned into Excitement within a twinkle of an eye when he got Healed: He never gave up, but kept hold of his Faith.
We always must keep on keeping on and never give up, because God Will Definitely Reward us for our persistence. Stop going on about what you have lost & rejoice over what is coming; God is A Just God so He Will Give you double for your trouble, so don’t quit & give up Gal; 6, 9 ( And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not).
Be persistent in The Word; Engage, Implement & be Persistent and you will receive, if you don’t give inn & never give up? Live a life of Faith in Faithfulness. Can the circumstances & the cares of the world cause you to give up? If you do the right things but for wrong reasons, it will affect your Faith-fullness & you will give up.
Patience prevents Faith from giving up. You have to deal with problems on purpose Don’t allow something you did, or what somebody did cause you to give up. Spend time with God – pray & then go out & walk in authority – passivity will not defeat the devil; don’t give up when something doesn’t happen straightaway, always walk in authority.
Never give up on God because He Has Never Given up on you, and Will Never Ever Give up on you. In midst of renewing your mind you may miss the mark, but then don’t ever give up but keep on renewing your mind.
Have the attitude that ‘I will never give up, & God Will not leave me alone’. Never ever give up but hold fast your confession, & at the end God Will Bless you. Persevere don’t be a quitter.