Matthew 14:27-29 – “27 But immediately Jesus spoke to them, saying, “Take heart; it is I. Do not be afraid.” 28 And Peter answered him, “Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you on the water.” 29.So he said, “Come.” Peter got out of the boat, walked on the water, and came toward Jesus.” (ESV)

Today, our Heavenly Father wants us to know that when we come into oneness with Jesus Christ, He empowers us with Divine capacity to do all that Jesus was able to do on earth. Jesus is inviting us to come and join Him live the God-Kind of life.

Peter  walking  on  water shows we can dominate the force of gravity with Faith. Its God’s Plan for us to operate in the Supernatural. The Word of God Has Miracle Action – Jesus Showed it when He said to Peter “COME”, this one word empowered Peter to walk on water.

Jesus, after feeding the 5000 men with 5 loaves of bread and 2 pieces of fish, asked His disciples to go ahead into the boat as He dismissed the crowd. Afterwards, He went to pray and when He returned He walked on the sea towards the disciples in a boat at the middle of the sea.

Inasmuch as we continue to celebrate the Supernatural and Divine life of Jesus Christ, we need to realise fully, His desire for us to rise in faith and walk in this miraculous life. Just as He bid Peter to come, so is He is saying to us also “Come!”.

Just as He confirmed to Peter that it was Him and not a ghost, so is He speaking to us that He is alive in us and with us. It is time for us to step out. Life is like sailing on the sea in the midst of the storm. Your boat seems to be your major lifeline and stepping out of it obviously sounds like a very bad idea. In the same vein, most of us find ourselves in a particular comfort zone in life and therefore taking any step to advance in life seems so risky in this stormy waves of life.

Beloved, Jesus is assuring us that we can walk on the storms of life; yes we can, if only we will appreciate fully His invitation to walk with Him. Let us learn from Peter who was flesh and blood like us, yet by Faith took the bold step to pursue that miraculous life.

Today, if we talk of 2 people in the Bible who walked on the sea, it is Jesus and Peter. I don’t know the vision God has impressed on your heart; but once we are convicted that Jesus is present to support that vision, we ought to step out of that barrier of life and with our eyes fixed on Jesus. Posterity will one day use our Faith as evidence that with Jesus Christ, ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE.


Heavenly Father, I wholeheartedly accept Your invitation to join You in expressing the Divine life. Please help me to keep my eyes focused on You, so I don’t give up my Faith on the way. Lead me in the way everlasting,
in Jesus’ Name, Amen.


If God challenges me to step out of my comfort zone and start a new project in life, will I have the Faith to step out?

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