PSALMS 105:8

(NKJV): “He hath remembered His Covenant for ever, the word which he commanded to a thousand generations”.


(NIV): He remembers his covenant forever, the promise he made, for a thousand generations,

If the Lord Has His Promise in Memory surely, then we ought not to forget the wonderful manner in which He keeps it. OUR GOD IS FAITHFUL TO EVERYONE WHO CALLS ON HIM.

A Covenant is an official and legal agreement between two or more parties. By the agreement, there are terms and conditions to be met and benefits to be possibly enjoyed. God Builds Covenant relationships with humanity. The good news is that God Holds on to Covenants for several generations.

He hath remembered His Covenant for ever.
Another argument of praise taken from The Covenant of Grace, in which He is our God, and of which He is Ever Mindful; He Remembers His Covenant ones, whom He Perfectly Knows, and Never Forgets them; He Remembers His Covenant Promises to them, and Allows them to put Him in Remembrance of them; He Has Respect unto His Covenant, and THE BLESSINGS of it, and Bestows them on His People; Gives them The Sure Mercies of David; and He Remembers His Love, which is the source and spring of all.

Here is the basis of all His Dealings with His People:
He Had Entered into Covenant with them in their father Abraham, and to This Covenant He Remained Faithful. The exhortation to remember (Ps 105:5) receives great force from the fact that God Has Remembered. To us it should be matter for deepest joy that never in any instance Has the Lord been Unmindful of His Covenant Engagements, nor Will He be so world without end. OH. that we were as mindful of them as He is.

The Word which He Commanded to a thousand generations:
That which is properly A Covenant with Christ our Head on our account, is A Word of Promise to us; A Promise of Grace and Glory; A free Promise , Absolute and Unconditional: and This He Has “commanded” (or Ordered), Decreed, and Determined that it shall Stand Good, and be Punctually Performed, “to a thousand generations”; that is, for Ever; for all His “Promises are yea and amen in Christ”.

The Word which He Commanded to a thousand generations: This Serves to Set before us the Absolute Loyalty of The Lord during the changing generations of men. His Judgments are threatened upon by the third and fourth generations of them that hate Him, but His Love Runs on for Ever, even to “a thousand generations.” His Promise is here said to be Commanded or Vested with all the authority of a law. It is a proclamation from a sovereign, the fireman of an Emperor whose laws shall stand fast in every jot and tittle though Heaven and earth shall pass away. Therefore, let us give thanks unto The Lord and talk of all His Wondrous Works, so Wonderful for their Faithfulness and Truth.

The Psalmist, in analyzing God’s Covenant relationship with Abraham, realized how God’s Promise THE BLESSING Had Transcended to several generations after Abraham, to the extent that the nation Israel came in later to enjoy God’s blessings on Abraham. The Psalmist’s conclusion was that, when God Covenants with people and God Promises blessings, those blessings Trickle down to posterity up to the 1000 generations.

What this means is that The Benefits of your Covenant relationship with God is inherited by your children, children’s children…possibly to about the 1000th generation after you. What this means is that, if a man walks in obedience to God, His children and posterity will get to benefit from the blessings of His Covenant relationship with God. One of the best inheritances a man can live for His posterity is God’s BLESSING, as a result of a Covenant relationship with God.

Beloved, what you do today Has direct impact on your generations unborn. Your life is bigger than you and the impact of your actions, be it positive or negative will definitely affect your family line. So, why not walk with God and have your generational lines being blessed?

I want to admonish you; what are you leaving behind for your children and the following generations? Are you leaving them with a Covenant relationship with an idol (or satanic force) that will badly affect your children some time to come, or you will walk in Faith and obedience to God so that God Will Bless your generational family line with His Promise, THE BLESSING?

God Will Remember His Covenant Decrees; to even a 1000th generation. Think about this! God is a Covenant-Keeping God. All The Promises of God, in Jesus are YES and AMEN. They are all Covenant (God-Sworn) Oaths, so renew your mind with The Word and become Covenant-minded. Put your trust in The Covenant

Heavenly Father,
My heart desire is to grow in my Covenant relationship with you, so that my children will be Blessed by Your Promises. Please Help me to live for you so that my posterity will call me a father of Faith and BLESSINGS .

In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


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