v19 – Many are the afflictions of the righteous, But the Lord delivers him out of them all v20 He guards all his bones; Not one of them is broken.
Living for our Lord Jesus Christ is a sweet and a fulfilling journey to eternal life. However, such a life does not exempt The Christian from facing some of the dangers of life.
David acknowledged that many are the dangers that the Righteous face in life. The good news however is that God Delivers the Righteous from every single one of them. In other words, the danger may show up but then, Divine Intervention Sets in to Prevent any harm from occurring.
You cannot allow your problems to kill your Promise (ie; The Promise God Has Made to you that He is Going To Deliver you): No your Promise is still alive.
Beloved, you are alive and doing well in life simply because God Himself Has Been Working behind the scenes to Save and Protect you from danger. If only you know what wicked men and women plotted against you, you would be amazed at how you still seem to be moving on in life. You survived because God Was Working on your behalf each time they tried to destroy you.
At other times, trouble hits the child of God so hard, to the point that, he or she begins to feel betrayed or disappointed by God. However, even in that state of sorrow, God knows Best, how things could have easily deteriorated beyond such situations of life. If not for God, it would have been worse.
I want to inspire you to be confident in The LORD your God. Believe in His Security Systems for your life and walk in His Ways. He Will Save you from all danger and none of your bones will be broken, amen.
Know how to respond to trouble before it comes – & even when it comes don’t panic. Whatever problem you get, God Has Promised that He Will Deliver you. Before you get a problem, God Had Already Got your answer