Matt 24:14 – “And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached throughout the whole inhabited earth as a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come.”

Growing up, one of the uncomfortable statements we used to hear in school was: ‘Lack of Knowledge of the Law is no excuse’. Usually, we would feel so unfairly treated anytime we had to suffer punishment for breaking laws we had no knowledge of. Of a truth, unawareness of the law is no excuse.

God being so Just, He Has Purposed that every nation and individual gets the opportunity to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ and be Saved so that no human being on earth can use lack of knowledge of the Gospel as an excuse.

One key mark of the approaching End of the World is The Gospel is Being preached all over the World. The Bible Says, The Word of God will be Spread to every nation and thereafter the end will come. Research has shown that as at last year The Bible had been translated into over 700 different language.

The fact that The Bible Has Been translated into many languages gives a strong indication that God’s Word Has Reached more than half of the inhabitants of the world. Have you even thought of the various versions of the English language alone? Today, God’s Word is just a click away, and The Spread of The Gospel Has been extraordinary.

During the Covid lockdown, the social media was flooded with live-streaming messages of the Gospel. There is no continent in the world that has not received the Gospel, and Jesus said that when the Gospel Reaches Every corner of the world, the end will come.

After you are born again, you must become fruitful to show that you are worthy of your Salvation. In addition, you must become fruitful to show that you are not blind, short-sighted, or forgetful. Know that once you set out to do God’s Will, satan will make sure that you are persecuted. This because he (satan) is against the spreading of God Word.

Do not do witnessing but be a witness. Preach always (with your lifestyle, only on few occasions use your voice. (Matt 5; 16 – Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your  Father which is in heaven) – wherever you are, you got to let your light shine to glorify your father & people will see your good works: ie;  people should come into the kingdom of God by looking at your life.

Be a helper ie; care for or help other people. Be nice to people. Do not use people to get money and things, but rather use money &  things to get people into The Kingdom of God. it’s time for us to have a passion about The Things of God: eg Witnessing to people. People want to see us demonstrate same things.

As Christian we need to have a consistent joy (not so we can have a happy feeling but) for our witnessing to the world. We must be different than how the world people are otherwise they are not going to be interested what we have or hear anything about our Jesus, if don’t handle things no different than they do.

Thus, we should start spreading The Gospel. As we keep encouraging ourselves to continue to preach Christ, let us bear in mind also that we have who received the Gospel have no excuse. Think about this! We are in Christ, so it is our desire to keep everyone out of hell (by witnessing to the world.

Say this: Heavenly Father, please help me to share The Gospel of Christ to as many people as You desire. Help me to also stay alert so that I do not miss my way, after I have led others to Christ. Help me LORD, in Jesus’ name, amen

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