There are moments in life when you hear something at the exact time you need to. Admittedly, it doesn’t always come from reading the Bible. Maybe a friend speaks truth when you least expect it, or the words of your Pastor happen to stick with you.

Wouldn’t it be great if the moments where God Speaks to you happened more frequently? You can make this happen by reading and studying the Bible.

It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing. The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life. — John 6:63 (NKJV)

Dr. Tony Evans’s explanation from the CSB Tony Evans Study Bible may connect to this point, as you study this verse above.

“The Holy Spirit Takes a person’s belief in Jesus’s Words and Activates Jesus’s Life in that person to Give him spiritual life.”

ISN’T THAT A BIT OF TEACHING WE ALL NEED? – If Jesus’s Words Give us life, why wouldn’t we take time to read the Bible, and study God’s Word more deeply?

Learn more today about Bible Gateway Plus, where you can read these moments of inspiration from Dr. Tony Evans and connect with a breadth of study tools.

If you’re not sure where to start, simply begin by reading the Bible at Another way to get started is by creating a FREE Bible Gateway account. You’ll get access to all of the free features, like:

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