NKJV, 2 Timothy 2: 13 “If we believe not, yet he abideth faithful: he cannot deny himself”.

Those believers who struggle, or are “faithless,” are still Held by God. He Remains Faithful, even when His people are not. This idea is consistent with God’s Faithfulness to His people Israel in the Old Testament. Though they often rejected Him, He continued to Keep His Promises to them.

What does it mean to be faithful to God? = Faithfulness speaks to the very Core of God’s Character. Faithfulness has to do with being reliable, firmness, stability, trustworthy, trueness to one’s word, dependability. While no earthly man is 100% Faithful, the Bible teaches that God is 100% Faithful in all He does in accordance with His Divine Character.

The Faithfulness of God is TRUE and has been proven many times. In the Holy Scriptures, we can see that God is Faithful and His Word is True. Hebrews 6:18 Says God cannot lie, nor can He break an unconditional Promise that He Says He will fulfil. Every Covenant He Made is kept. Every Promise or Foretelling has or will come true.

God is Faithful to His Word – God is Faithful to His Favour – God is a God of Favour. God’s Faithful in this weird, shaky world. He is still Faithful – through every storm, difficult situation, etc. God is Faithful to the repentant. God’s Faithful – He May Not Do it the way you like it, but He Will Do it.

Even when we are not Faithful, God is Faithful (2 Tim 2; 13) – If we believe not, yet he abideth faithful: he cannot deny himself. The Anointing is increased when we are Faithful (Lk 16: 10). He is Faithful to the one who confesses his sins (1 Jn 1: 9). Our God is a Faithful God – once He Gives a Promise He will Perform it. (Num 23: 19)

HIS FAITHFULNESS CONTINUE THROUGH ALL GENERATIONS: The Psalmist said, “Your faithfulness continues through all generations.” Here faithfulness is equated with God’s Word. God speaks never-ending truth. If God Spoke something a thousand years ago, it still stands. He is Faithful to His Word because His Word is an expression of His character.

The Word of The Living God is “profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work” Timothy 3:16-17

It’s not only that is He who made us, and we are His; we are his people, the sheep of His pasture. ‘Enter His gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. For the LORD is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations’.

“God’s Faithfulness is His Reliability in doing what He has Promised in His Covenant… Therefore, God’s Faithfulness means that He is completely Worthy of our Faith.” It is your Faith in The Faithfulness of God that will cause The Manifestation of what He Promised you

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